Casualty Records

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ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Private Ernest George Land 26698Norfolk Regiment10/10/1918 (aged 20)
Second Lieutenant Louis Pollock Durham Light Infantry17/10/1918 (aged 19)
Second Lieutenant Reginald Frank Dicksee Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)08/10/1918 (aged 22)
Private Summers 100506Durham Light Infantry17/10/1918
Second Lieutenant Charles Vincent The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918
Private Stanley 241588Leicestershire Regiment11/10/1918
Second Lieutenant James Lyell Tombazis Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)08/10/1918 (aged 19)
Lance Corporal Womwell 203987Norfolk Regiment08/10/1918 (aged 21)
Lance Corporal Coombs 14967The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918
Private Miller 73989Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)10/10/1918
Second Lieutenant Edward Crewdson Pitt Pitts The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918 (aged 26)
Private William Thomas Alkins 50115Essex Regiment12/10/1918 (aged 19)
Second Lieutenant Edward Henry Ronca The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918 (aged 36)
Lance Corporal William Marsh 41771Essex Regiment12/10/1918 (aged 36)
Private Frederick John Prosser 3073Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)22/03/1918
Private Woods 102600Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)08/10/1918
Private Benjamin Sidney Batt 3535The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918 (aged 21)
Private Pearson 26463Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)11/10/1918
Private Leonard Samuel Scoltock 121468Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)09/10/1918 (aged 19)
Private Albert Cordon 25832Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)10/10/1918 (aged 26)
Private Norman 46761Durham Light Infantry12/10/1918
Private Harry Hirst 103919Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)10/10/1918 (aged 19)
Private John Thomas Dodds 95456Durham Light Infantry12/10/1918 (aged 19)
Private Ipson 206070The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918
Lance Serjeant Mount 8900The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)17/10/1918
Private Tom King 42593Norfolk Regiment14/10/1918 (aged 23)
Private Woods 45622Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)11/10/1918
Private Thomson S/18461Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders30/09/1918 (aged 20)
Private John Golding 34658Norfolk Regiment08/10/1918 (aged 19)
Private Andrew 117665Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)08/10/1918
Private Hutchinson 42562Norfolk Regiment08/10/1918
Private Stanley William Davies 115972Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)08/10/1918 (aged 19)
Lance Corporal Taylor 34766Essex Regiment12/10/1918
Private William Mellor 303424Manchester Regiment28/03/1918
Private Wilson 203911Durham Light Infantry17/10/1918
Private Mckinness 100029Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)11/10/1918
Private James Henry Frost 102405Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)10/10/1918 (aged 20)
Private Charles John How 203727Northumberland Fusiliers28/03/1918 (aged 40)
Lieutenant Horace George Williams York and Lancaster Regiment17/10/1918 (aged 21)
Private Cooper 45964Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)10/10/1918
Private Boyd 238042Leicestershire Regiment11/10/1918
Private Smith 50134Essex Regiment12/10/1918 (aged 34)
Loading parish list
ParishDioceseCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
LeekStaffordshire Moorlands120
AmpthillCentral Bedfordshire110
OusdenWest Suffolk110
TherfieldNorth Hertfordshire100
IcklefordNorth Hertfordshire110
CauldwellSouth Derbyshire100
DronfieldNorth East Derbyshire110