Error: SELECT DISTINCT,images.imageId,images.imageUrl,images.imageSource,images.sourceUrl,images.status,lives_locations.livesId,livesRank,livesForenames,livesSurname,livesServiceNumber,livesRegiment,`rank`,forename,surname,servicenumberexport,regiment,date_of_death,age_text,additionalinformation,cemeterymemorial FROM `cwgc_raw` LEFT JOIN images on LEFT JOIN lives_locations ON WHERE regiment like '%HMS Queen Mary%' && date_of_death_asdate >= STR_TO_DATE('31/05/1916','%d/%m/%Y') && date_of_death_asdate <= STR_TO_DATE('27/07/1916','%d/%m/%Y') GROUP BY ORDER BY case WHEN images.status=1 THEN 1 END DESC,surname ASC LIMIT 200, 100

Error: SELECT count(distinct as totalCount FROM `cwgc_raw` LEFT JOIN lives_locations ON WHERE regiment like '%HMS Queen Mary%' && date_of_death_asdate >= STR_TO_DATE('31/05/1916','%d/%m/%Y') && date_of_death_asdate <= STR_TO_DATE('27/07/1916','%d/%m/%Y')
Search Commonwealth First World War casualties - A Street Near You

Search First World War Casualties

Forenames will match anything starting with the value entered. The data is very variable, so try 'James T', 'James', 'J T' etc. Surname will match anything starting with the value entered
Will match the entered text anywhere within the name of the Regiment, Ship or Squadron. So 'Highland' would match 'Highland Light Infantry', 'Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)' etc.
Format: 'DD/MM/YYYY'. Partial dates e.g. '07/1916' also supported, as are date ranges in the form of '31/07/1917 - 10/11/1917'