| Sarwan Hakim | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Iman Gul 4705 | Military Police and Levies | 20/07/1920 | |
| Lance Naik Khan Badsh 5661 | Military Police and Levies | 27/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Maula Dad 844 | Military Police and Levies | 15/08/1915 | |
| Sepoy Mir Muhammad Gul 7053 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Nur Khan 2850 | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Sepoy Musa 1913 | Military Police and Levies | 27/12/1919 | |
| Sepoy Akbar Khan 6024 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Amir Khan 5606 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Indan Gul 8472 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Kashmir 7203 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mohar Din 8707 | Military Police and Levies | 24/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Asal Din 7187 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ashrax 8466 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Khail Gul 7443 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Lal Mir 584 | Military Police and Levies | 06/06/1921 | |
| Follower Mir Kamal | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mirza Khan 6349 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Abdul Ghafur 570 | Military Police and Levies | 31/10/1917 | |
| Sepoy Ali Sher 6001 | Military Police and Levies | 28/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Amar Khan 268 | Military Police and Levies | 27/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Ghulam Rasul 7693 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mastanah Shah 409 | Military Police and Levies | 08/09/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Pandhi | Military Police and Levies | 19/04/1919 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Badshah 6250 | Military Police and Levies | 21/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Akbar Ali 6428 | Military Police and Levies | 15/01/1920 | |
| Sepoy Fateh Khan 5467 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Khair Ullah 6211 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Manda 23 | Military Police and Levies | 24/12/1915 | |
| Sepoy Badshah 340 | Military Police and Levies | 02/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Khan Mir 5750 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Mirzak 8843 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Naqsh Band 7378 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Saadat Khan | Military Police and Levies | 18/09/1919 | |
| Havildar Salar Shah 3488 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Sherullah 8768 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mustajab Khan 641 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Adil Muhammad 6246 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ali Baz 5378 | Military Police and Levies | 18/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Alif Khan 7842 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Baz Gul 9085 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Naik Faqir Muhammad 3 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Nur Payu 8438 | Military Police and Levies | 09/04/1917 | |
| Sepoy Zer Shah 8488 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Awal Khan 3319 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Inzar Gul 6652 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Khaira Din 4273 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Muhammad Rasal 4744 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Muhammad Sher 3023 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Havildar Sher Jan 5967 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Abdus Salam 7477 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Ali Mardan 6221 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gul Khan 43454 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Malang Shah 6333 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Murad Muhammad | Military Police and Levies | 28/06/1916 | |
| Sepoy Rahmat 396 | Military Police and Levies | 14/08/1919 | |
| Naik Sarmast 2690 | Military Police and Levies | 07/07/1919 | |
| Havildar Shams Ud Din | Military Police and Levies | 06/07/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Abdul Majid 8765 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Gul Haidar 5954 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gul Haidar 8529 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Mian Gul 4675 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Subadar Muhammad Ismail Khan | Military Police and Levies | 08/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Nur Badshah 6075 | Military Police and Levies | 03/08/1919 | |
| Sepoy Pahlwan 305 | Military Police and Levies | 15/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Safar Khan 791 | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Sepoy Shah Amir 5335 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Taj Din 468 | Military Police and Levies | 23/04/1920 | |
| Follower Bakhshi | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Dinu | Military Police and Levies | 31/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mubarak Shah 6646 | Military Police and Levies | 17/06/1921 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Faqir 5070 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Tamash Khan 6377 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Wedan Khan 6533 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Subadar Zeri Gul | Military Police and Levies | 18/01/1917 | |
| Sowar Ahmad Khan 2362 | Military Police and Levies | 18/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Angur Khan | Military Police and Levies | 02/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Inzar Gul 418 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Jan Khan | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Khwaja Muhammad 8584 | Military Police and Levies | 09/04/1917 | |
| Lance Naik Malkhai 8463 | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Follower Samand Khan | Military Police and Levies | 31/01/1920 | |
| Jemadar Sher Muhammad | Military Police and Levies | 31/01/1917 | |
| Sepoy Suhrab Khan 4346 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ajab Gul 6320 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Signaller Lal Baz 6991 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Rakham Din 7182 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Subadar Shah Nawaz Khan | Military Police and Levies | 20/05/1917 | |
| Follower Sultan | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Wahab Gul 9635 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Azam Gul 4358 | Military Police and Levies | 28/07/1919 | |
| Follower Faqira | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Muhammad Baz | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Raidar 1567 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Raj Wali 9084 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Faqir Khan | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Follower Jan | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Jan Muhammad 8760 | Military Police and Levies | 09/04/1917 | |
| Sepoy Nur Gul | Military Police and Levies | 19/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Pir Muhammad 817 | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Scout Qadir 78 | Military Police and Levies | 13/05/1921 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Nabi 6493 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Sher Jamal 5774 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Tor Khan 5428 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gulmir | Military Police and Levies | 16/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Hayat Gul 9873 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mir Ahmad 7419 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Alam 113 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Asghar 6204 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Salimat Khan 5879 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Salim Makhmad 131 | Military Police and Levies | 25/02/1920 | |
| Sepoy Abdul Ghafur 5815 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Haidar 3888 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mausam 7259 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Gul 6532 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Rahmatullah 531 | Military Police and Levies | 01/05/1917 | |
| Sepoy Lawang Shah 8745 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mir Baz 6467 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Muhammad Asghar 573 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Ghista | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ibrahim 6004 | Military Police and Levies | 06/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Sanab Gul 7380 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Sultan Ali 4787 | Military Police and Levies | 28/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Chamand 34 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Gula Din 325 | Military Police and Levies | 28/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Malla Khan 7472 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Muhammad Arif 147 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Naik Nur Alam 2120 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Shah Beg 984 | Military Police and Levies | 27/09/1915 | |
| Naik Zar Gul 2067 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Abdur Reza Khan | Military Police and Levies | 30/01/1917 | |
| Sepoy Dawa Sai 5267 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ghulami 718 | Military Police and Levies | 25/08/1919 | |
| Follower Jagu | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Khalim Shah | Military Police and Levies | 18/09/1919 | |
| Lance Daffadar Mursal 327 | Military Police and Levies | 07/01/1915 | |
| Lance Naik Raziman 16 | Military Police and Levies | 22/05/1919 | |
| Naik Saiyid Khan 7657 | Military Police and Levies | 09/04/1917 | |
| Sepoy Utam Shah 8374 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Zabar Shah 274 | Military Police and Levies | 14/01/1920 | |
| Sowar Azim Khan | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1920 | |
| Sepoy Iqbal 912 | Military Police and Levies | 03/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mihrab Khan 7690 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ali 2656 | Military Police and Levies | 31/05/1920 | |
| Sowar Baz Gul 845 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Nur Raza 4188 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Sher Zali 7874 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Ali Ghulam 4874 | Military Police and Levies | 02/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Kalati 706 | Military Police and Levies | 01/11/1915 | |
| Sepoy Khan Gul 4486 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Khan Mir 2242 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Lawang 481 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Musa Khan | Military Police and Levies | 24/12/1919 | |
| Follower Neki | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Nur Hasan 6147 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Naik Qaim Khan | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Ghulam 7144 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Shah Adam Khan 4899 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Zarif Khan 4271 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Amir Khan 8725 | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Sepoy Brahu 2832 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Sowar Gag Rai 5509 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Husain Ali 4692 | Military Police and Levies | 20/07/1921 | |
| Sepoy Kirgai 7351 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Malik Jan 7437 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Daffadar Muhammad Jan 286 | Military Police and Levies | 07/01/1915 | |
| Sepoy Sher Raza 6653 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ali Baz 6372 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Babari 7140 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Guli Shah 6086 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Hafizullah | Military Police and Levies | 14/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mahbub Khan 6328 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Khalim 6050 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Miru 6280 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Ali Husain 1930 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Aporsi 2726 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sowar Bhangarai 415 | Military Police and Levies | 07/01/1915 | |
| Sepoy Gul Zada 6838 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Hangamah 403 | Military Police and Levies | 02/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Khwaja Wali 5993 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Ali 6018 | Military Police and Levies | 15/01/1920 | |
| Sepoy Namir 5338 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Rakham Gul 6645 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Saida | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Shah Beg 6346 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ghanam Shah | Military Police and Levies | 01/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Gul Bahadur 6199 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Israr Gul | Military Police and Levies | 05/10/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mir Akhmad | Military Police and Levies | 05/06/1917 | |
| Naik Sher Zada 3366 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Hayat Khan 6217 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Malizar Khan 5460 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Baz Shah 7194 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Daffadar Miru Mian 5373 | Military Police and Levies | 30/07/1919 | |
| Sowar Shahzar Khan 508 | Military Police and Levies | 07/01/1915 | |
| Sepoy Sher Ali 572 | Military Police and Levies | 17/06/1921 | |
| Sepoy Tor Gul 765 | Military Police and Levies | 30/11/1917 | |
| Sepoy Wilayat Shah 242 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Adam Khan 6188 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Alim Shah 634 | Military Police and Levies | 10/12/1917 | |
| Sepoy Dar Khan 6279 | Military Police and Levies | 31/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Ibrahim 573 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Lir Hasan 317 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mastukai 6259 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mirkhan | Military Police and Levies | 19/04/1919 | |
| Sepoy Nur Khan 3720 | Military Police and Levies | 28/02/1920 | |
| Sepoy Sher Muhammad 7511 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Harif Khan 718 | Military Police and Levies | 27/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Karim Khan 128 | Military Police and Levies | 06/06/1921 | |
| Sepoy Lalmak 6520 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Qambir Ali 6452 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Shakdat Khan 5244 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Shalas Khan 497 | Military Police and Levies | 06/06/1921 | |
| Follower Ali Shan | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Lal Badshah 6323 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mihrab Din 6813 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Mund Khan | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Follower Rakha | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ajmir 8494 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Isa Gul 6739 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Rifleman Abdullah Khan | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Khush Nadir 943 | Military Police and Levies | 26/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Lal Sher 7066 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Musician Miraz Gul 4697 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Mirzai 6796 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Ali Nabi 3730 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Fazl Rakham 3543 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Kahanu 6371 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Lal 4000 | Military Police and Levies | 28/06/1919 | |
| Follower Mir Hasan | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Nadim 5988 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Abdullah Shan 792 | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Sepoy Amal Sanan 770 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Khana Pir 384r | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Mangai | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Pir Khan 6478 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Purdum 643 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Sher Akbar 8889 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Abbas Khan 6132 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Abdullah Khan 4458 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ahmad Khan | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Jemadar Alif Gul | Military Police and Levies | 19/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Amir Khan 9024 | Military Police and Levies | 09/04/1917 | |
| Follower Bhaya | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Hubab Shah 6217 | Military Police and Levies | 26/05/1917 | |
| Sepoy Imam Gul 7808 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Scout Muhammad Rafi | Military Police and Levies | 03/08/1920 | |
| Sepoy Payo 6295 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Amin 6 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Alam Shah 211 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Ghulam Ahmad | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Jainda | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Lal Mir 115 | Military Police and Levies | 06/06/1921 | |
| Sepoy Lal Mir 9900 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Miraj Gul 4497 | Military Police and Levies | 29/11/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Hasan 313 | Military Police and Levies | 12/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mir Hasan 574 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mubarak Shah | Military Police and Levies | 19/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Pasta Gai 5094 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Saiyid Ali | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Shera Din 500 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Wazir 4802 | Military Police and Levies | 03/02/1920 | |
| Sepoy Yar Shah 8475 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Zar Badshah 6354 | Military Police and Levies | 31/05/1917 | |
| Sepoy Alif Gul 4405 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Amir Khan | Military Police and Levies | 19/09/1919 | |
| Havildar Aquab Khan | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Baz 6742 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Muhammad Ali 6670 | Military Police and Levies | 28/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Nur Faraz 7887 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Sarfaraz 1003 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Argul 6169 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Hamid Khan 242 | Military Police and Levies | 21/11/1919 | |
| Jemadar Mastan | Military Police and Levies | 13/02/1917 | |
| Sepoy Amir Ali 189 | Military Police and Levies | 10/12/1917 | |
| Naik Dashat Khan 4761 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gul Faraz 7539 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Jahandad | Military Police and Levies | 08/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Makhmad Gul 5555 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Saidan Shah 6359 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Sardar 5741 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Zar Gul 6840 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Asadullah 359 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gul Akhmad 7678 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Gula Pir 701 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Jammai 6205 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mansur Khan 5585 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Miyan Din 475 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Naik Muhammad Shah 1845 | Military Police and Levies | 20/12/1915 | |
| Sepoy Jabar 8541 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Khushal 5020 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Sher Rakhman 7893 | Military Police and Levies | 15/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Zaid Gul 273 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Alam Gul | Military Police and Levies | 26/06/1919 | |
| Naik Buland Khan | Military Police and Levies | 28/06/1916 | |
| Sepoy Gulab Sher 6734 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Haidar Jan | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Havildar Khan Badshah 4661 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Nazir 3894 | Military Police and Levies | 27/07/1921 | |
| Sepoy Abdur Rahman | Military Police and Levies | 24/12/1915 | |
| Havildar Dadras Mand 2478 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Gul Badshah 2100 | Military Police and Levies | 02/10/1920 | |
| Havildar Iqbal Taj 441 | Military Police and Levies | 28/08/1919 | |
| Sepoy Jai Andhar Khan 5476 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Jumal Gul 5424 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Sharaf 500 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Baba Khan 740 | Military Police and Levies | 11/09/1919 | |
| Havildar Bahka Mir 1876 | Military Police and Levies | 31/05/1917 | |
| Sepoy Hamesh Gul 366 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Bugler Zarbat | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Baba Rai 4965 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Dorag Khan 6308 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Jangu 488 | Military Police and Levies | 07/01/1915 | |
| Sepoy Mir Ahmad 7078 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Driver Nur Muhammad | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Piran Ditta | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Sahib Gul 8533 | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Havildar Amir Shah | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Sepoy Awal Khan 3041 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Khali Din 6000 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Lal Shah 3979 | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Sepoy Nawal Dad 5809 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Niyaz Gul 339 | Military Police and Levies | 17/12/1920 | |
| Sepoy Zambul 949 | Military Police and Levies | 20/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Jamroz 7 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Var Gul 6906 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Imam Shah 4625 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Jandi Khel 5709 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Lawang 5940 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Pur Dil 2249 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Rasul Khan 904 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Ghulam Haidar | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Jan Muhammad 6752 | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Janyar Beg 87 | Military Police and Levies | 10/09/1919 | |
| Sepoy Mihrban 5468 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Saiyid Azam 8633 | Military Police and Levies | 09/04/1917 | |
| Sepoy Taza Gul 7726 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Assistant Political Agent Hughes | Military Police and Levies | 16/04/1916 | |
| Sepoy Abdur Rahman 95 | Military Police and Levies | 11/11/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Akbar Ali 8487 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Lance Daffadar Nazir Husain 5163 | Military Police and Levies | 20/07/1921 | |
| Lance Naik Rasul Khan 5394 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Safdar Ali 7207 | Military Police and Levies | 15/06/1919 | |
| Lance Naik Ali Nur 3990 | Military Police and Levies | 01/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Ghanam Ran 121 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mira Gul 4986 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Muntazir 248 | Military Police and Levies | 14/05/1920 | |
| Sepoy Shah Wali Khan 2923 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Anwar Shah 5117 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gul Mir Khan 204 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Khan Bahadur 7170 | Military Police and Levies | 28/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Khanjar Khan 587 | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Follower Ranga | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Sarwar Khan 5259 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Shandi Gul 3433 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Suhbat Khan 8777 | Military Police and Levies | 31/05/1917 | |
| Sepoy Awal Mir 7852 | Military Police and Levies | 13/11/1919 | |
| Sepoy Babu 4452 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Ghalaf Gul 2A | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1919 | |
| Sepoy Gharsanai 4724 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mihr Dil 104 | Military Police and Levies | 24/11/1919 | |
| Havildar Nadir Sher 1346 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Qasim Khan 2490 | Military Police and Levies | 18/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Rakhmud Din 5745 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Saiyid Ali 333 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Amir 1303 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1920 | |
| Sepoy Awal Khan 8266 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Havildar Dad Muhammad 210 | Military Police and Levies | 23/06/1915 | |
| Sepoy Karim Bakhsh 724 | Military Police and Levies | 23/04/1915 | |
| Sepoy Nur Shad 5715 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Lance Naik Saiyid Akram 349 | Military Police and Levies | 03/01/1921 | |
| Sepoy Abdur Rahman 520 | Military Police and Levies | 15/11/1917 | |
| Sepoy Atamir 6856 | Military Police and Levies | 27/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Halim Gul 7090 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Nosah 732 | Military Police and Levies | 03/09/1919 | |
| Follower Palu | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Jemadar Rahim Shah | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Sowar Akhmad Shah 551 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ghulam Qadir 5829 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Jawahir Shah 4698 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Mir Ahmad Khan 5670 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Subadar Wali Muhammad Khan | Military Police and Levies | 23/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Awal Dad 6010 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Naik Gul Abbas 3117 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Gul Azam 5510 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Habibullah | Military Police and Levies | 08/06/1919 | |
| Sepoy Salim Ullah | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sepoy Zargand Shah 7288 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Havildar Abdul Ghafur Shah 3343 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ali Khan 5590 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ashgar Mir 5401 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Khushal Band 5874 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Paqir Khan 5470 | Military Police and Levies | 10/09/1919 | |
| Havildar Sitara Khan 5218 | Military Police and Levies | 30/05/1919 | |
| Sowar Taru 592 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Ali Muhammad 959 | Military Police and Levies | 28/11/1917 | |
| Sepoy Amar Gul 7475 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sowar Awal Sher 516 | Military Police and Levies | 07/01/1915 | |
| Sepoy Dadra Shah 7848 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Subadar Mubin Khan | Military Police and Levies | 02/03/1917 | |
| Sepoy Muhammad Gul 3582 | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Sepoy Sardar Khan 621 | Military Police and Levies | 22/03/1921 | |
| Naik Umar Din 3624 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Sepoy Baghi Shah 6876 | Military Police and Levies | 08/07/1919 | |
| Jemadar Bengal Shah | Military Police and Levies | 08/10/1918 | |
| Lance Naik Mir Muhammad | Military Police and Levies | 04/08/1914 | |
| Follower Mula | Military Police and Levies | 26/05/1919 | |