Royal Navy, HMS M25

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ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Stoker 1st Class John Jardine SS/115744Royal Navy, HMS M2528/08/1918 (aged 26)
Able Seaman Charles Boyles J/12947Royal Navy, HMS M2514/09/1918 (aged 22)
Leading Cooks Mate George Larlham 365385Royal Navy, HMS M2528/08/1918 (aged 28)
Able Seaman William Bygrave J/22825Royal Navy, HMS M2504/12/1918 (aged 21)
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CemeteryCountryCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
ARCHANGEL ALLIED CEMETERYRussian Federation (North)410
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Date of deathCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
Wednesday 28 August 1918220
Saturday 14 September 1918110
Wednesday 4 December 1918110
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