Petty Officer 1st Class Frederick Allen

Royal Navy, (RFR/PO/A/2181) HM Yacht Aries

Died: Sunday 31 October 1915 (aged 48)

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This record relates to a Royal Navy casualty who served in the First World War, but because he had enlisted many years before, the record was not included amongst the naval records that were automatically created in the Lives of the First World War project
Additional information:
Son of Abraham and Sarah Allen, of Buxted, Sussex; husband of Gertrude M. Allen, of 121, Framfield Rd., Uckfield, Sussex. Served in the Witu Expedition (1890): South African War and the Boxer Rebellion.
Cemetery/memorial reference:
3. 292.
United Kingdom

Possible matches

The following sources have potential matches based on the name and other information associated with this record. They may or may not be connected to this person but are provided for your further research