| Rifleman Isaac Burns 11644 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Guardsman Herbert Dyer 17138 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman Owen Yarrow 375358 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private William George Yandell 201832 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Roderick Wynfield Wyse 357910 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private William Wood 29440 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Serjeant Harold Wintour PS/2130 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Wildman 30023 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Wilding 202797 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant George Edgar Whittington | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Corporal Henry Westaway S/16335 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 26/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Albert Webb 268755 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Gunner Arthur Wearing 51387 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain William Kenworthy Watts | Norfolk Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ben Lincoln Warrington 40501 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant William Lees Percival Walton | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal John W. Waller 43877 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter David Purvis Wale 200648 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Captain Richard William Leslie Wain | Manchester Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lieutenant Algernon Hyde Villiers | Lothians and Border Horse | 23/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Sidney Frank Uphill 265522 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Edward Tyson 201202 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Harry Turner 27731 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Joseph Harry Timberlake 23711 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Serjeant Ned Thorpe 240330 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Robert Thompson 25556 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Thomas 28728 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Griffith Thomas 36810 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Allan John Tennant 510354 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Robert Leslie Taylor | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Taylor 29548 | Highland Light Infantry | 26/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lieutenant Allen Francis Synge | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Luther Swallow 24478 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Captain William Bruce George Stuart | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Captain Walter Napleton Stone | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Serjeant Aaron A. Stocking 680377 | London Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private George Watson Stewart S/41655 | Gordon Highlanders | 21/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Rifleman Richard Nathaniel Stevens R/32942 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Stevens 23730 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal Herbert Speak 306856 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Wilfred Simpson 29301 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Captain Nowell Johnstone Sievers | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Clement Walter Sherwood | Royal Fusiliers | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Reginald Stanley Sherring 800458 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private John Shepherd 20301 | South Wales Borderers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant John Harold Seddon 354168 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Thomas Scrugham 356784 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lance Corporal Alexander Salmond 12489 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Albert Salmon 14/1543 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Bernard Ryan G/18968 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private William Henry Rouse 24177 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Rose 33597 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal Frank Rollason 203295 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant William Beresford Richards | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Frank Reeves G/5558 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Edgar George Rees | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman James Ellis Ratcliffe 50572 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 28/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Hubert Ramsden 19818 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Major James Edmond Pringle Rae | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Corporal John Robert Price R/2293 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Noel Price 20995 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Augustus Prestidge 28603 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal John Powell 201658 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Fred Pogson 268691 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Alexander Peters 25915 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Albert Pennington 40177 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Gunner George Armstrong Pearson 143793 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private William Palmer 260075 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Page 242307 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private David John Owen 39902 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Serjeant William Thomas Oates G/4538 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles John Nott 34204 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal Cornelius Nelson 267185 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lieutenant Eric Lewin Naylor | South Staffordshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Captain George Hamilton Morgan | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Captain Denis Laurence Monaghan | Tank Corps | 24/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Herbert Allen Mobbs 20335 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Edwin Donald Miller 355817 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Percy Robert Middleton R/16131 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Walter Mepham 23792 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Melville | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Mayo S/29872 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private William Matthewman 205286 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Joseph Charles Mason 8361 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 29/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Captain Edgar Spear Martyn | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private William Marshall 39142 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal William Marsden 357148 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Makinson 240258 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Allastair Malcolm Cluny Mcready-Diarmid | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private William Mclean 243054 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain James Mclaren | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Nathaniel Mcateer 51082 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Lance Corporal Herbert Percy Sydney Lyddall L/8635 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private William Longworth 17838 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Jenkin Lloyd 54392 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Gilbert Lewis Lloyd | London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant William Booth Leigh | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Major Frederick William Leek | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Lane 28751 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private David Eldred Kinsey 11360 | Royal Fusiliers | 25/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Frederick Walter King 27851 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Bombardier Ernest King 94208 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Captain John Herdman Kean | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 01/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Gunner James Abel Jowett 895653 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Jones 203286 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Clement D. Jones G/29321 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Edward Jones 265828 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Major Frederick Henry Johnson | Royal Engineers | 26/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Wilfred Sydney James | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Robert Wilson Jacques 23574 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Joe Willie Iredale 36236 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Battery Serjeant Major Frederick William Hutchinson 352049 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Rifleman Francis Hurst 372101 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private William Cosmore Hunt 28882 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private David Howard 19913 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Hopkins 202671 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Frank H. Hooper 322892 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Arthur George Holmans G/142 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private John Hollis G/42315 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Charles Henry Hollington 34687 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward E Holder 841194 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Jesse Hockley 25093 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 26/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman George Hirst S/28212 | Rifle Brigade | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Henry Heyworth 243257 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain George Alfred Guest Hewitt | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private William Hessey 10737 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Henry Herbert 26433 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Lieutenant George York Henderson | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal James Heeley 56837 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Lambert Hayhurst 49755 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private John Reginald Hawksley 241949 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Hawkes A/200883 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Alfred Hatherill 201973 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Lieutenant Thomas Sinclair Haslett | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Charles Fletcher Hartley | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Charles Sidney Hartfield R/13870 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Captain John Anthony Harris | Yorkshire Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Henry Hampton 27922 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Cecil Hammond 62221 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Peter Halsall 55049 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Halliday 242041 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Edward Lawrence Hall | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Charles Edward Hall 202128 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private John E. Grubb TF/207948 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Arthur James Groom 68959 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Davies Griffiths 20272 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Robert William Griffiths 3590 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Captain Leysters Llewellyn Greener | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick James Dolman Grace 515400 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harvey Thomas Goodall 18275 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Captain Ingram Thomas Golds | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Gibbs 202639 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Randle William Gascoyne-Cecil | Royal Horse Artillery | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Major Harold Gwyer Garnett | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private George Garner 26978 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William James Furman 27969 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Arthur Fryers 29162 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 17) | |
 | Private Angus Fridge 200040 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant William Fisher 240792 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Alfred Fenn 28334 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Captain John Walter Ewbank | Border Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private William Evans 28707 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Owen Evans | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Emsley 33846 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Second Lieutenant James Samuel Emerson | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Roy Edwards | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Ostcliffe Dunhill 26243 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Sapper George Albert Down 540819 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Rifleman Albert Edward Dixon 49996 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Fred Daniels | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lieutenant Thomas George Daniel | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick George Dancox 21654 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Dame | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Nicholas Cuneo 154219 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lieutenant The Hon. Alick George Cubitt | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Serjeant Stanley George Cooper 200720 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal James Cock 30286 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Harold Claughton | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George William Burdett Clare 6657 | 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers | 28/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Stanley Chapman 265698 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Herbert Champness 323087 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Bursford 201234 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Patrick Burke 28916 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Horace Burford 555222 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Ralph Nevill Lendon Buckmaster | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private George Nisbet Bryce StK/1667 | Royal Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Bryans 12583 | Royal Irish Rifles | 21/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal Henry Warren Brunswick 23204 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 06/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Harold Broughton Broster | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Samuel Brooks 242025 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Bromage 16476 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frank Bradley 7346 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Antonio Sanchez Boyle | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Cyril Walter Bown | West Somerset Yeomanry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Walter Bowen 241632 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Frederick Benjamin Bowen 29628 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Serjeant Joseph Bosworth 10627 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Captain Alfred Frank Cyril Borrett | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private George Bonnington 30435 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Bond 37599 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Lance Corporal Edwin Duncan Blackburn 357915 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William John Black 59616 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Lieutenant William John Gordon Birnie | Gordon Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Alfred Binks 203460 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edmund Walter Betts 53990 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Lieutenant Solomon Benzecry | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant George Arthur Bennett | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Robert Gerald Beer | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Sidney Beech 37995 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Private Benjamin Frederick Bartlett 25287 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Barnes 12207 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Bernard Eton Bailey A/200164 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Robert Aslin Z/969 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Frank William Arnold | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Arnold 27759 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Douglas Aplin 11537 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Colonel Donald Knox Anderson | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Hubert George Allen 70863 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 03/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private William Stuart Addiscott 12383 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Francis George Adamson 28869 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Henry Mepham 44832 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman White 571655 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Thomas Turnbull 202648 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lieutenant Alfred King Tripe | Royal Garrison Artillery | 23/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Henry James Tiffin 200565 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Arthur Stairs 29428 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Edward Slack 16388 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Wilfred Shingfield 15395 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Arthur William Selfe 34569 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Samuel Scoulding 28885 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Thomas Dawson Scarlett 41851 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George William Henry Russell 20311 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George Robertson 358626 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Stanley Prior 50383 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Howard Prentice G/8871 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Corporal Isaac Poulton 13056 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Pickin 11406 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Herbert James Paul | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private David Murie 200254 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Moss 23550 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private George Harold Morley 242094 | Border Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Leonard Metcalfe 47807 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Leslie Melhuish | Yorkshire Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Lindsay Ireland Lyall 511454 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Joseph Arthur Lund 51838 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal John Lowe 14691 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Gunner Joseph Oswald Leete 38926 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Lawrenson 201213 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Ambrose Kane 12654 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edgar Charles Hurst 40383 | Suffolk Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Captain Claude Arthur Howe | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Redfern Holt 76882 | Durham Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward F. Hearsey 203445 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Harold Harwar 516936 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Harding 32586 | Somerset Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Benjamin Reuben Griffiths 241150 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Charles Herbert Gribble | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private James Buchanan Greer 39747 | Highland Light Infantry | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Douglas Goodman | Army Service Corps | 24/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Sidney John Fray 33338 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Rifleman Matthew Fitzpatrick R/39670 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Corporal Thomas Egan 358681 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Samuel C. Edwards 11017 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Joseph Edwards 23821 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private Peter Donlon 17441 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private William Davidson 77450 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Ernest Alfred Crabtree 267090 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman James Cook S/13778 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Corporal John Collier 201078 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant James Malcolm Chitty | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Percy Chitty 200084 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal Edward William Broomfield G/2674 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Ernest Braithwaite 13699 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Edward Bloomfield 19/122 | Durham Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private Thomas Blandford 24619 | Hampshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Blake G/61103 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Birtwistle 9694 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Henry Bevan 92686 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Albert Rowland Message 72768 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Henry Herman Wehrkamp 320578 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Charles Thomas Young G/6088 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Glynne Lougher Yorath | South Wales Borderers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick W. Yaxley 267190 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Yates G/14031 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Walter Yarwood S/25392 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Alfred E. Wyman 320211 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Henry Wyatt 33698 | East Surrey Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant William Albert Wright G/818 | Royal Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Gibbens Wratten G/22813 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Woods 202526 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Francis William Woodrow 26358 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Robert Wood 260012 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Wood 202954 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Charles E. Wood 572137 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Arthur William Wood 242202 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Harold Wilson 16756 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Cyril James Wilson 535289 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Arthur Williams 241110 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Wilkinson 16/201 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Wild 203721 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private George Alfred Whiting 26871 | Durham Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant James Hoste Welldon | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Eustace Webb 41009 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private David Leek Walton 205404 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Henry A. Wall 322190 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private William Willie Walker 200037 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Harry John Wakely 350895 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private William John Alexander Stuart Wakefield 534044 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Frederick Thomas Wadsworth 532114 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest J. Wade 321587 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Joseph Vernon 535121 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Charles Louis Varenholz 323797 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Corporal William Richard Coham Turner 204246 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Leonard Leslie Tiley 3775 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Walter James Thorpe 17482 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Lance Corporal Henry P. Thompson 321376 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Arthur William Thomas 240819 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Wilson Thom 530546 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Daniel Macgillivray Taylor 532106 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 29/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Second Lieutenant George Edward Tatum | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Leonard Charles Tarver 531858 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private David Talbot 532105 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Leonard Tainty 241502 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private John Sutherland 241238 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Henry Sutcliffe 202559 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Jack Suckling B/200128 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Frederick Stutt 32003 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest Charles Stokes 531328 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry John Still 34991 | Essex Regiment | 21/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Stanley Howard Stevens 536734 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Stenhouse S/41082 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Reginald Cecil Stacey 241632 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 05/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas W. Sparling 323187 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Henry J. Snelgrove 323374 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Serjeant Halbert Leonard Smith 530021 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Roland Smewing 285542 | Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Captain Frederick James Smethurst | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Rifleman Sidney H. Skelton 323196 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private William George Shelley 35469 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Sharpe S/40764 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Senior 57604 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Thomas Savage 260041 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Gunner Nathaniel Saunders L/29568 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Sydney Rowthorn 532134 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private James Robert Rowles 533202 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Sidney James Rowe 29429 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frank Theodore Reginald Rossiter 24474 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Thomas Porter Robinson 359524 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Robertshaw 202534 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Corporal George A. Roberts 571534 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Robert Ridehalgh 358266 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Guildford Reseigh 202555 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private George Renton 25791 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman James Rayment R/21097 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private William Ransome 12017 | Somerset Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sydney Rampley 13624 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William A. Pukit 260149 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Pritchard 108757 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private William Pringle 37122 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Harry Price 29993 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Harold Thomas Price 536947 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Samuel Prescott 202388 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Arthur Frederick Pratt 515490 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Jesse Poynton 285065 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Cyril John Powell 535008 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Pook 532483 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Plumridge 241980 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Arthur E.b. Plant 371217 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edmund L. Phillips 30461 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Compton Phillips 533469 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Arthur Stafford Peters | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Pease 243578 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Sidney Charles Pearce 536614 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Harold David Cornish Pean 533083 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman Albert Parks 323140 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman James William Parker S/34006 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Christopher Pannell 534325 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Page 534669 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private William Paddock 26569 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Samuel Paddock 359223 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Frederick Bruce Olding 535323 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Nunian 535001 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal Francis Joseph Nugent 352104 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private John William Notman 703388 | London Regiment | 07/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private John Norman 17696 | Norfolk Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Percy Nevard G/24723 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Aubrey George Murray R/13625 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Company Serjeant Major Charles William Murphy 323255 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private William Mumford 45123 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Alfred Monk 324463 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Horace Miles 533239 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private David Middleton 241032 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Edward Meredith 306983 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Cecil Robert Mayne | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Harold Tudor Mathias | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Joseph Marsh | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Frederick Charles Marritt 32013 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Charles Victor Marchant | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Arthur March 532678 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Company Quartermaster Serjeant Ernest William Mansbridge 530626 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Gilbert P. Macdonald 536682 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant James Lynch 30885 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Lovell 300212 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Sydney Pearce Longfield 535339 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Walter Victor Long G/43957 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Lock 146073 | Royal Engineers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private John James Lister 202108 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Percy Lines 531591 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Henry George Lilley 537093 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Harry Levi | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Ambrose Legg 531217 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Harold Lamprell 531754 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Lawrence Knox | Royal Sussex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stanley Thomas Knight 531997 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Herbert Stanley Knight 532633 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 29/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private George William Kemp 531183 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George Judd 1478 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Arthur G.p. Joyce 41264 | Bedfordshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private William Henry Jones 203066 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Richard Walter Jones 202955 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Francis Jones 3560 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Geoffrey Jones 237118 | Herefordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Herbert Jewitt 536634 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 05/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private John Jacobs 24803 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William C. Irwin 323764 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Company Serjeant Major Sidney Ingram L/9885 | Royal Fusiliers | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Bernard Henry Coleby Husk 515738 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Harry Hurle 15136 | South Wales Borderers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Basil Godfrey Humphrys 432 | 1st King Edward's Horse | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard John Hughes 7374 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Regimental Serjeant Major James Howse 240829 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Stephen Howard 200434 | Hampshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Frederick John House 27656 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Herbert Houghton 240308 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal John N. Horton 320347 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal Richard Kelly Hornabrook 21142 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Serjeant Harold Lawrence Horan 531639 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest William Holdway 533070 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Arthur Hill 29955 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest Hewson 533379 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant William Albert Hayward 7746 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Captain William Hereward Haseler | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Walter Sidney Harris 532616 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Ernest Harris 201561 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alexander Cochrane Harkness 536714 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lieutenant Ralph Walter Hargreaves | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Corporal Maurice Hargreaves 201709 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Andrew Hamilton 513430 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Henry Halsey 535033 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Edward Halford 241437 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Edward Sidney Hain | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Leslie John Gush 533081 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private William E. Guiver G/15551 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Ernest Griffiths 306182 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private John Greener 535303 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Second Lieutenant St. John Green | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Captain Stuart Grant | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Gordon 535304 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Gillion 34096 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lex Francis Adam Gielgud | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Corporal Conrad Michael Gibson 530086 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private William Girdwood Gaw 533441 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Ernest Henry Garwood 533095 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 29/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Lance Corporal Lionel Norman Garstin 513923 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Cecil Frederick Garlinge G/445 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Edmond Gallon 536605 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edwin John Gale G/22582 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Francis 324555 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Charles Ford 533724 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Peter Thomas Flight G/5575 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Donald Farquharson-Roberts | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman Frank J. Fair 324587 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Harry Ellis 476665 | Royal Engineers | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Edwards 323303 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Captain The Hon. Cecil Edwardes | Scottish Horse | 20/11/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Corporal Roy Bolton Edmunds 510676 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Captain David Gwynne Edmunds | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Serjeant George Douglas 93045 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Ernest Dickinson 260164 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Dewhurst 240362 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Hubert Derwent 530479 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 28/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Major John Marcus De Paravicini | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Raynor Dell 536631 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Kenneth Deeks 532545 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Deadman 348002 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Wilfred Leedham Dawson | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Walter Owen Davies | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Evan Epthraim Davies 202947 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert William Thomas Dancocks 39226 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Serjeant Ernest Edwin Curtis 16707 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles W. Curle 321806 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private James George Cruckshank G/711 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Hugh Crawford 285266 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Beaconsfield Cowherd 533017 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Albert Cornwall 203085 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Bertram Cecil Coppock 41706 | Hampshire Regiment | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ronald Percy Cooper 11091 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Serjeant John Walter Bye Cooper 8069 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Stafford Reginald Constable 28912 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Leonard Charles Collyer 495818 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Edward Collins 324301 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Jonathan James Coleman 240413 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Clayton 202072 | Tank Corps | 21/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Lance Corporal Patrick Clarke 1813 | Irish Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Charles Henry Chittock 535508 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick George Chilvers 49401 | Royal Fusiliers | 27/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Serjeant Ernest Charles Chilcott 10210 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Arthur Channing 9956 | South Wales Borderers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward George Chalker 534697 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 02/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Frank H. Cavilla 324390 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Francis Casey T/242206 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Victor Robert George Carter 235198 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 06/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Gates Carroll 534261 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Arthur J. Carpenter 322055 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private George Augustus Carlton 28705 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Capewell 536733 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Alfred Fallows Butterfield 356348 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Horace Butcher L/7583 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Edwin Buss G/9686 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Gilbert Henry Buckley 241688 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Serjeant William James Browning 202629 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Richard James Brown 536622 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman John G.j. Brown 323822 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James Lambert Brown G/19322 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Benjamin Brooker 531690 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Henry Harold Broadhead 243013 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick William Britton 29651 | South Wales Borderers | 24/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Fred Brierley 31646 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Alfred William Bridges 531747 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal Cornelius Bradford PW/6408 | Middlesex Regiment | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Gavin Patrick Bowes-Lyon | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Serjeant Cecil James Bower 530947 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Bow 321950 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Francis John Bottomley 25005 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Rifleman Henry J. Booth 322209 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Eric George Blake 723512 | London Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Henry John Bishop T/202128 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Bibey 260058 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Charles Bell 68527 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Harry Bell 243058 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Isaac Bell 322839 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman David W. Bell 323934 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private Frederick Belgrove 265692 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick John Beddis 533443 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Charles Edwin Beckingham 285403 | Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Richard Beattie 8013 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private James William Baylis 202488 | South Wales Borderers | 21/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Owen Bateman 535283 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private John Francis Baskerville 19398 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Victor Frank Barrow 535397 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Henry Barker 372938 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 03/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal John Barber 29532 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry James Barber G/26516 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Bale 260236 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Donald Baker 533288 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick P. Back 322086 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Stanley Fawcett Ayre | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private William James Avis 531958 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Stanley Aubin A/200553 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 02/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Cyril Attwood 202309 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private George Ashworth 102573 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Herbert Ashton | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Rifleman James H. Ashpole 572579 | London Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Maurice Ashley | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Arundale 267113 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Charles William Archdale | Norfolk Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Amos 203195 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Adler 266855 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Andrew Adie 29747 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Thomas Adcock 265361 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Ablett 534415 | London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles) | 06/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Albert George Williamson Clark S/40201 | Gordon Highlanders | 23/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Arthur Careless 30799 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Alderton 29270 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Alger 32556 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur George Andrews 42370 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Herbert James Baguley 296841 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Frederick Barker G/20984 | Royal Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant William John Batchelor 13094 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Baxter 53031 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Edward Benskin 103124 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Lancelot Bishop 29616 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Henry Brand 20133 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Capper 35779 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William A. Carpenter 202636 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Rifleman William A. Carter 373489 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Robert Cathcart 259 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private Frank Arthur Cheshire 92640 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Waller Helier Clark 40561 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Robert Cossar 72254 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Serjeant Thomas Costley 7660 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private William George Cotton 245236 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George William Cox 31284 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Lance Corporal Victor Cross 23347 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Henry Davies 37085 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Harold Davies 266114 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 26/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private John Henry Davies 241389 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Davies 23752 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Diamond 266347 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Norman Lionel Donelly 10377 | South African Infantry | 06/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Ernest William Dowsell 11714 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Henry Driver 11750 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Robert Edward Farmer S/28123 | Rifle Brigade | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Hugh Flanagan 41229 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 22/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George Henry Ford 13905 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Leonard Foster 306270 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Albert France 77394 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Shone Fray 26914 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Harold Geldard 201649 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private John Gibbons 306305 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private James Arthur Godber 306314 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Sydney George Gorfin S/176 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Albert John Gotham 200870 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Arthur Gough 17655 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private George Gouldin 25452 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Gregson 288002 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Michael Griffin 20355 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Griggs 11293 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edmund Hardman 3627 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stephen James Hardy 205382 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Douglas Preston Harvey | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Willie Hesling 235579 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Harold Hilton | Highland Light Infantry | 26/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Hooker G/21441 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Wilfrid Howell G/16308 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private David George Hunt 200086 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John Thomas Jepson 305107 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private John Kenshole 21514 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph J. Kirby 373497 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Robert Edward Laurence 11005 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Francis Charles Le Lacheur 63 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Major James Bonthron Macmillan | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Serjeant Henry Grimwood Marshall 43735 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Mitchell 451 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Walter Moorhouse | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private William Newport 23531 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Serjeant Peter Nolan 6484 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Harold Normington 28751 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal James Charles O'connor 10164 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Harold Ogden 357957 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 07/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Patrick O'malley 9174 | Irish Guards | 05/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Robert Arthur Parry 19884 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Patterson 19801 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Pitcher 25360 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Herbert Pitt 42214 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Preddy 12389 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Rae 9027 | Scots Guards | 28/11/1914 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Roland Ratcliffe 3296 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Albert V. Reed TF/203061 | Middlesex Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Frank Renshaw 45831 | Suffolk Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Campbell Frederick Gordon Rix 33765 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Eric Runge 29064 | Grenadier Guards | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Caleb Ryles 29992 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Ernest Sanderson 27372 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private John Sharp 10696 | 18th (Queen Mary's Own) Hussars | 21/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Arthur Smith 359026 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Harold Stanley 24799 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Francis Charles Steel 32026 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Thomas 26494 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Timmins 25696 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Harry Tomlinson 235200 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Herbert Tomlinson 18205 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Vinter 27904 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Henry William Waddingham 22541 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Thomas Wall 24080 | South Wales Borderers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Shoeing Smith James Watt 12449 | 6th Dragoons (Inniskilling) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Charles Webb 283939 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 25/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lance Corporal William George Whitaker G/11873 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private George Williamson 16639 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private Robert Alexander Wood 12211 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lieutenant James Edwin Woods | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Charles Young 241877 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Baker S/10976 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Herbert Stanley Ball 21016 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Banner 240716 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Jonathan James Barrett 39695 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Andrew Boyd 27166 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 07/12/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Frederick Brewer 29516 | Hampshire Regiment | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Brooksby 98339 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur William Brown 42529 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William George Percival Brown 33481 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Burke 308978 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Isaiah Carter 14884 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Wallace Cason 266420 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Patrick Chism 4800 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Clark 11890 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Clarke 241235 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Claude Alfred Cobbold 202050 | Suffolk Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Arthur Wilfred Kingsley Cocker | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman Sidney Walter Davies R/16873 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Arthur Ernest Dommett 30017 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Albert Frederick Duckett 322042 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Christopher Duff 116983 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Fowler 354204 | London Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Douglas Funnell G/406 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Garside 240020 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Alec Spencer Goddard | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Adolphus Gowen 591561 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Albert Gray 228770 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 03/12/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private Edgar Gregory 91687 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Harry Gurr 43681 | Suffolk Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Corporal Edward Haggitt 241909 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Henry Hammerton 353219 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Hanby 29777 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Edwin Harman 203267 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Harry Hart 55962 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Tom Hartley 26979 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Albert Heather R/36560 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal John Hossack 200156 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Frederick Howlett 940 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Stanley Hudson 13578 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Henry Hudson 11162 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Hull 19075 | Essex Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Arthur Charles Hunt 27530 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest G. Inglis 703572 | London Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Jackson 51076 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Thomas Johnson 50351 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Wilfred Jowitt 242067 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Francis Alfred Judges 19089 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Frank Kearton | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal John Alfred Lee 25631 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Reuben Henry Lewington 352477 | London Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Lewis 204427 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private John Lunt 28011 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Herbert Leonard Lythgoe 20858 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Mcbean 353506 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 44) | |
 | Second Lieutenant David Mckendrick | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Henry Mcnally 515806 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Frederick Mays G/15925 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Walter Miles 203033 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal William David Morris Z/2380 | Rifle Brigade | 21/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private David Morton 69120 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman John L. Munton 572157 | London Regiment | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter George Neave 45645 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Captain William Neilson | Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper George Newman 48242 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Serjeant Timothy J. Newton G/14050 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Francis Nuttall 62630 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Bartholomew O'dare 43377 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Ogden 201904 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Frederick Parker G/60202 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick George Phippen 41396 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John B. Porter 19336 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private George Porthouse 241503 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Edwin Radley 25132 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Frederick Thomas Ralph 266752 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Robert Ramsey 950 | Machine Gun Guards | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Driver Albert Rastall 831416 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John William Rhodes 202360 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Alfred John Sadd 16128 | Suffolk Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman George Crisp Salmon R/31693 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Lawrence Sanderson 241756 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private William Seels 27658 | Suffolk Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John William Shaw S/7724 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Henry Sleath 11764 | 3rd (King's Own) Hussars | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private George Smith 7390 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Preston Edward Smith G/66012 | Royal Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Ernest Smith R/12116 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Arthur Spurling 235079 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Stagg G/42746 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private George Ernest Stannard 352335 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Stephen Stone 22616 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Rifleman Herbert C. Stovold 324385 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private James Frederick Taylor 357189 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Joseph George Taylor 203659 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Patrick Towey 29479 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private George Vaughan 27258 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Henry Vaughan 265784 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Venn 45228 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Robert Waters S/14014 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner John Watt 40832 | Royal Field Artillery | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Branson Wiggins 206358 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Harold Wiggins 29598 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Arthur Buckle 43497 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal James Millar 13279 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Henry Triggs 44203 | Royal Irish Rifles | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Frank Ainge 38366 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant George Richard Aldrich | London Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Ambler S/5842 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Anderson 4662 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private James Astle 268616 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Ernest Baker 87510 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Percy Edward Baker 15232 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Lionel Banner G/24026 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Hamilton Ainsworth Bardswell | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private Frederick Beard 30628 | South Wales Borderers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private John William Bell 266784 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private James Boken 27518 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 42) | |
 | Private Henry Lewis Bone G/18758 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles James Buck 329647 | Suffolk Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Sidney Castle 18003 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private George William Chadwick 16944 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Horace Chapman 24551 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edwin Church 34151 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles William Cornell 10708 | Essex Regiment | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Allen Thomas Croucher 15919 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Wilfred Croughton 25340 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal John William Crowson 241209 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Frederick De Bank G/20640 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Edgar Dixon 34018 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Theobald F. English 5618 | Irish Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Bombardier John Ivor Evans 120687 | Royal Field Artillery | 09/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private Henry George Farren 283221 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 25/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Clifford William Gill 86062 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Charles Goodman 516904 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Albert Edward Greenhalgh S/6460 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Corporal Alfred Griffiths 26476 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Corporal Joseph William Griffiths 201221 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Joseph H. Grimsey G/12659 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Richard Gunnett 32588 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Samuel Hallett 28773 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Hamilton 47169 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick William Harcum 116809 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 02/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Stephen Henry Harris 25074 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Holder 241959 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private Josiah Charles Holman 242046 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Holt 201400 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Captain Robert Elcum Horsfall | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Joseph Henry Ind 242311 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private Frederick Vincent Ivory G/63091 | Royal Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Jamieson 7635 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 03/12/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Christopher Jeffrey 10443 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private John Jehan 272 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Albert Henry Kesterton S/883 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Louis Kleps S/28385 | Rifle Brigade | 27/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Rifleman William Lacey 269950 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal John Charles Lake 22956 | Border Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Captain Arthur Bloomfield Lane | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 (aged 43) | |
 | Private William C. Lane G/21984 | Middlesex Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Henry Lugg 41831 | Lincolnshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Gordon Mcculloch 12957 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant John Alexander Macdonald | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas D. Mcenery 10922 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal David Barnard Maguire G/28 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Jack Marks 351557 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Bernard Marlow 18571 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private Thomas Marriott 85319 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Montague Matthews 55257 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edmund John Maurice 102171 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Cecil Middleton 36864 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Henry Miles S/9706 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Mills 424193 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Alfred Nelham G/28176 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 01/12/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Edwin Newton 267241 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Stanley Nugent 24131 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Albert Oatley 28879 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman John Bendall Oliver 592697 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Bertie James Olley 45808 | South Wales Borderers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Edward Overton 144717 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Driver Joseph Parker 13981 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Reginald Thomas Parr 41164 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 23/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Serjeant Alfred Pearce 83023 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private David Pleace 15456 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Reading 308087 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Edward Reeve 20299 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Ernest Rogers 11122 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John Scanlon 27022 | Highland Light Infantry | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Shakeshaft 373723 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Joseph Sheppard 3/4046 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Arthur Lloyd Smith 11129 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Edgar Sidney Smith G/8052 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Hugh Rice Arthur Smith 306371 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Smith 240593 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Joseph Smith 7432 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Gunner James Burrell Stamford 203032 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Frank Stanton 45223 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private James Hope Stirrup 300193 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Strathdee 326269 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Alfred Ernest Stunell 21376 | Suffolk Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Corporal Arthur Bower Sturdy 47797 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Harry Randolph Taylor 473947 | London Regiment (The Rangers) | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private William Terry 20587 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Thomas 20415 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Second Lieutenant David Thomson | Highland Light Infantry | 26/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private William Henry Thomson 514500 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Robert Vardy Trail 83602 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Vincent Bellman Trebilcock 354315 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Frederick Upton 28092 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Lance Corporal Henry Varnham 897 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Willie Walker 25159 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Michael J. Wallace 9757 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal George H. Watt 266253 | Gordon Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Widdowson 28868 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Serjeant Charles Wilkin 3898 | 4th Dragoon Guards (Royal Irish) | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Serjeant William Henry Woodward 34307 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman William Thomas Aitchison S/2599 | Rifle Brigade | 21/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Albert Bailey 33205 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Thomas Bartlett 37583 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private John James Barton 268348 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Bateman 200785 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Henry Bertlestien 243099 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Albert E. Boss 31533 | Royal Horse Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Benjamin Buddle TF/241752 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Henry Burkes 612772 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy C. Burton L/13810 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Lance Corporal Victor Butler 265425 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private William Butler 53508 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Henry Bayliss Carey 27284 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Chalkley G/21208 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas George Charlesworth 11229 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Clarkson 13935 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private William Francis Clements 38421 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Rifleman James Coats 42150 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Cole 1319 | 5th Dragoon Guards (Princess Charlotte of Wales's) | 24/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman John Henry Cook R/32891 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Isaac Dale 201956 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Davis 268015 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 06/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private David Douglas 13103 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal William Duncan 31131 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 23/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Lance Corporal Arthur Walter Frederick Eagle 83255 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Arthur Edwards 201957 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Albert Edward Evans 20187 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Harry William Faichney 34004 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Walter James Falla 1536 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Rifleman William Fee 568 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 17) | |
 | Private John William Firth 12985 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Serjeant James Fleming G/41666 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest J. Fox 200432 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Gouldsbrough 21189 | Coldstream Guards | 02/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Gregory 201402 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private William Griffiths G/5318 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest James Hall 95547 | Tank Corps | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Herbert Hardy 70593 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Rifleman George R. Harris 324558 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred William Harrison 242060 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Fred Hawkins 39318 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frank A. Hayden 572342 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Haylett 108613 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Samuel D. Hirons 285298 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Walter Hollowood PS/1484 | Middlesex Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter Benjamin Holman R/8185 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 28/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal William August Holskamp 68017 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 26/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private James Hubbard 38268 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private William John Hulcup 32905 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Peter Hurst 240088 | South Lancashire Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Ince 26127 | Somerset Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Edward Jode T/203570 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Johnson 52286 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Lidbetter R/27340 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Tom Lord 25783 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Godfrey Mason 40336 | Tank Corps | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert James May 41415 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private David Moores 28016 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Edwin John Nicholls 17207 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Driver John O'dowd 23588 | Royal Field Artillery | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Fred George Pack 28565 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Parker 325796 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stephen Pattenden 202260 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Sapper Bertram Joseph Payne 221680 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Ernest Phillips 49734 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private John Platten 16669 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Alfred Platts 308195 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Frank Porter 29720 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Albert Thomas Purdue 321196 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Second Lieutenant George Leslie Reid | 7th Dragoon Guards (Princess Royal's) | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John Robertson 26458 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Robinson 28032 | Somerset Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Rolf G/41848 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Herbert William Seaman 18457 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Leslie Cecil Shipp 29287 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Joseph Edward Simms A/200627 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Stevenson 23612 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Harry Thomas 98391 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Walton 267711 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Wiles G/5820 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Arthur Wilson 16591 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 06/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private John Philip Worrall 290968 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private John Henry Wright G/1734 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Smith Yardy 97442 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Corporal Richard Affleck 13059 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 06/12/1917 (aged 42) | |
 | Rifleman Alfred James Bean R/21219 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Henry Bowden 36521 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Amos John Floyd Brooks 12542 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Shoeing Smith Walter James Brooks 51038 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Charles John Brown 55132 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Frederick John Burrage 22758 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George Victor Cetti 235317 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank John Clarke 51257 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Cyril Coates 40008 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private William Conlin 203100 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Serjeant Frederick Cooper 67598 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Cooper 515106 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Lawson Cooper R/5568 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Rifleman Alfred George Course R/18697 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Frederick Davis TF/266544 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Alfred Leonard Denmee T/201627 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 01/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman James Edington 240189 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Victor Charles Edwards 241819 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Thomas E. Egan 27232 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Ellis 306549 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Newman Ellwood 26619 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 03/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Robert Wilfred Fowler R/17324 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Charles Giles 9552 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Ewart Hamer 43864 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John Harrison 52292 | Royal Fusiliers | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Harrop 16258 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Lance Corporal William James Hawes 41617 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Helliwell 202471 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Eric Hezmalhalch 19044 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Martin Higgins 88039 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Ings 202900 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Plant Johnson 266637 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Jones 25488 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Corporal Gilbert Henry Knottley 590081 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Lawns 278079 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Lawson 34183 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William John Lines 5634 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 06/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Robert A. Livingston 27319 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George Henry Luker 200766 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Murdoch Mackinnon 30308 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private William J. Mcnally 10967 | Irish Guards | 26/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Peter Martin S/22335 | Seaforth Highlanders | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Ernest Matthews 25119 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Alfred Edwin Messer S/3260 | Rifle Brigade | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Alfred Moore 43433 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Donald Moss 28664 | Grenadier Guards | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Moulds 241377 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Muir 285372 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 (aged 43) | |
 | Private Harry Norris 204735 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Henry Ogle 83606 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Orr 41091 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private William Thomas Palmer 20197 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Pearce 266650 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Walter Pedley 29009 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Peters 51562 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Pollard 33753 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Corporal Charles H. Powell 29296 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Albert George Preston 115229 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 28/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Thomas Price 18365 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Arthur Purchase 36725 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Thomas Quayle 13192 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Gunner William Rance 19018 | Royal Field Artillery | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Randall 324352 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Serjeant George Restall G/14458 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter Reynolds R/27724 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Robertson 33366 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Vincent Ross 10684 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Cecil Harry Rudd 22007 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Edwin Sargent 53131 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Tupham Sclater 242145 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Cyril Montrose Spargo 27572 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Francis Joseph Stephenson 46455 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Stevenson 268874 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Talbot 16637 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Timmis 20924 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private James William Tovey 26048 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Serjeant John Townsend 473729 | London Regiment (The Rangers) | 27/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Lance Corporal Gerald Varley 267957 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Albert Voice 40288 | Tank Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Ewart Wade 200789 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Harold Henry Wall 241663 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Frederick George Wallis | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman Elijah Walton 6837 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private John Daniel Webb 615634 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Fred Wilday 614492 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Edward Wiles 20098 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Willie Percy Wilkinson 15763 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick William Willis 5708 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John Richard Wilson 23275 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Edward Woods 52039 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Serjeant John Wright 202283 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Harry Thomas Youngman C/7247 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Walter Dowding 228684 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 03/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Alfred Petts 15059 | East Surrey Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Alfred William Adams 29739 | Norfolk Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Corporal Charles Allan 18065 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Maurice Aronshon 17446 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Bainbridge 22659 | Durham Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Elias Beney 20342 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Serjeant Harry Bennett 4826 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Samuel Berry 16519 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Broome R/1700 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Arthur Brown 9249 | Norfolk Regiment | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Bombardier Isaac Callis 20248 | Royal Horse Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Cardwell 259093 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas J. Carey 15429 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Edmund H. Carr 6098 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Sidney Cassell 810106 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal James Clancy 9406 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Joseph Clark 268631 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Clasper 16162 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Wyndham Collins T/203920 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Corporal Robert Nicholas Colman 9566 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Francis Cooke 359275 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stanley Coon 19244 | Coldstream Guards | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Cordon 26712 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 06/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Henry Sheldon Cossons 18838 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Harry Cripps 37682 | Royal Engineers | 02/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Charles Curtis 27313 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant William Frederick Danton G/628 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John William Davies 25471 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Ernest Dudley 16485 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Eborall 371 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Edson 86298 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Stanley John Elliott G/18195 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Henry Godfrey 37546 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Goodway 24892 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Gordon 25825 | Grenadier Guards | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Hamer 295841 | Labour Corps | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Frederick Parker Hargreave | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Philip Haywood | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Nigel Heath 41817 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harrie Hewson 18885 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Hobson 40359 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Bertram Humpage R/33757 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William James Hunt 7340 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Henry Anton Hutchins 44010 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private James Hutchison 351123 | Royal Scots | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Ireland 240211 | South Lancashire Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal George Jackson 305256 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Jessop 240797 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Edward Arthur Johnson 37588 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Harry Lloyd 11127 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Walter Edward Lofts 4398 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Mccoy 11436 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John William Mace 202108 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Henry James Mcevoy S/171 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur B. Mcgregor 202267 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Nelson Mann 241571 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Manning 13420 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Maxwell 203319 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Robert William May 373714 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private Alex Walter Gerald Mercer T/242044 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Job Moore T/265252 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert E. Moss 32586 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Ogier 1191 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas William Osborne R/27647 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Owen John Owen 202669 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Percy Owen 201869 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Arthur Pascoe 14947 | South African Infantry | 07/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Edward Passmore 25721 | South Wales Borderers | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Vincent Platt 7771 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Sidney Richard Pocock 201029 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Joseph Prince 44110 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Puddy 72842 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Serjeant John Quirk 240682 | South Lancashire Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private George Reffold 9601 | Hampshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Walter Reynolds 242137 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Edward Roberts 11474 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Rose S/20968 | Rifle Brigade | 22/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private George Alfred Self S/68802 | Royal Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Hemence Setchfield 17547 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Herbert Baker Siddall 474240 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private William Slack 29355 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Smith 240979 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private William Southworth 358762 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William John Steele 359165 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Joseph Taylor G/87971 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Peter Taylor 60943 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Robert Henry Taylor S/29471 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John W. Thompson 29463 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank James Tugwell 7081 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Sydney Charles Tyers 201830 | Leicestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Thomas Graham Walker 160590 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 29/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private William Ward 354248 | London Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Serjeant Roland Waterhouse 240553 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Ernest Henry Waters 50463 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Frederick John Webber | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman Richard Welding 241411 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Bert Weston 3319 | Welsh Guards | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Gilbert Wilson 50217 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private James Yapp 21623 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Frederick Albert York 86093 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Francis Edward Young 240115 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Harry Arthur Anderson 514903 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Harry Aylmore 400947 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Patrick Bell 5195 | Irish Guards | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Arthur Betts 202626 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private William Thomas Biffin 8301 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Bombardier David Henry Blunt 57840 | Royal Field Artillery | 08/12/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Boardman 358633 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Victor Borrington 201938 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Brown 33728 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George F. Bush 425470 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter Childs S/27144 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Christenson 125085 | Labour Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Herbert Clayton 203944 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private James Bert Cook 202043 | Tank Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Arthur E. Cratchley 31533 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John A. Cross 16360 | Royal Irish Rifles | 06/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Henry James Cummings 536 | 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers | 28/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private John Dale 20653 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private William Thomas Dale 42011 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Harry Doswell 204176 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Harold Kingsley Edge 51819 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert J. Elliott 8869 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Ellsmore 6221 | 6th Dragoons (Inniskilling) | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Alexander Fraser | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Driver Norman Fulton 160824 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Gardner 241899 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private William Garvey 23873 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Hastings Doyle Gillman 32975 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Thomas Goddard 354601 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Lance Corporal George W. Gooch 573356 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Walter Goode 29827 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Willie Gregory R/3184 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Robert William Gristock 22127 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest George Hammond 14475 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frederick Charles Harris 45616 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman Alfred Wilfred Hatton R/11249 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Horace Clement Hicks 60214 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Hodges 34127 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Barton Horace Hodgson 300056 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Frederick Holyfield 34135 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman William Hooper R/28567 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Corporal Henry William House 350494 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur James Hudson 19248 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Rifleman Joseph Hughes 241208 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Joseph Hunt 45834 | South Wales Borderers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest James 265686 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Oliver Johnson 204908 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Kennedy 25584 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Harold Edward Kent 76855 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Montagu Henry Lamerton A/203215 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Rifleman Charles William Lever B/2779 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Victor Lott 29040 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Loftus J. Mcdonnell 11245 | Irish Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private John Mckinnon 40520 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Mallett 46607 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Corporal George Martin 240550 | Leicestershire Regiment | 08/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Mason 351212 | Royal Scots | 23/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Joseph Henry Maull 28181 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal Harold Graham Mayo 6292 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private William Mills 305775 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles L. Morris 422029 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Samuel Herbert Orrell 106220 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Gwilym Owen 37461 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Corporal George Orminston Pallatt 10890 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William George Edward Pearl G/69049 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Matthew V. Percival 81271 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal William Harold Phillips 67527 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard James Pilling G/65975 | Royal Fusiliers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Patrick Putney 98385 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Frederick Charles Rankin 515342 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Albert Ernest Ready 43825 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Reynolds 4111 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sidney Robinson 241926 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Michael Rowe 11050 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Herbert Samsa G/15290 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Shakespeare 201227 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Alfred James Sharman 242285 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Sidney Shoobridge TF/240806 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Leopold Albert Sloman 202279 | Lincolnshire Regiment | 09/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Smith 266555 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Robert Henry Smorfit 57306 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Walter Stacey 32562 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Fred Tasker 27073 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred J.r. Tennison 202337 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Thompson 235413 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Harold Thurtle 20906 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frank Tomlin R/13410 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Toone 21206 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur William Tuson 2316 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman James Henry Uprichard 1164 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Jesse Thomas Vater 323301 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman Reuben John Waite B/200490 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Walton 65932 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Wembridge 105180 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private John William Weston 108162 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sam Whiteside 17701 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private David John Williams 35677 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Frederick Gerald Wilson 35002 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Nathaniel Worsley 58747 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Crossley Wright | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Company Serjeant Major George William Young 240744 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman David Kennedy 2821 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Robert James Mcmillan 13170 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Rifleman William John Anderson 17147 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Leonard Gordon Andrews 203417 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Billie Anniss 21/281 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Armour 12518 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Aspey 28619 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Archibald Stanley Aylward 202932 | East Surrey Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Clarence William Baldwin 24514 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Arthur Thomas Barker 28050 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Louis Bernstein 32334 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George William Bishop C/7582 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James Blackstock 58901 | Royal Fusiliers | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Edwin Berry Blaxter 33332 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Bloor 201989 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harvey Noel Stratton Boggust 356437 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Percy Boulton 10658 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private Percy Broodbank 266142 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private James Brookbanks 28101 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private William Browne 41047 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Corporal John Burke R/854 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Ernest Butler 13731 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Albert Edward Buxton 50007 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Reginald Henry Cocks 52607 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private James Ratcliffe Cook 307588 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Louis Davey 117276 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 26/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Dickson S/23056 | Seaforth Highlanders | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Zachariah Faulkner 241411 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Leonard Finch G/18087 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Charles Ernest Foster G/69051 | Royal Fusiliers | 01/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frank Foulkes 16947 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Sidney Fry 22370 | Suffolk Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Basil Thomas Gaudion 1414 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Thomas Gray 15601 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Archibald Peiffer Griffiths 200670 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Edward Parker Gudgin 485039 | London Regiment (The Rangers) | 02/12/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private Herbert Hargreaves 240834 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Charles Thomas Harris 19176 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner William Edward Healer 152893 | Royal Field Artillery | 02/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Lance Corporal George Hedges 300067 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Frederick Hiams 45032 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Joseph Hoare 3544 | Irish Guards | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred David Inns 20387 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Mansel John 57042 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Frederick Courtney Jones 38354 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Thomas John Jones 267476 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Owen Jones 3593 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private George Edgar Kaye 260074 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Keeble S/22458 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private William Kemplay 33747 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles William Kirkman 40300 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John Christopher Lander 512294 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman Edward Lee R/6269 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 02/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Isaac Lightfoot 10656 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private John Little 40083 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private John Lyle 5804 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Forrest Mccredie | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Corporal Ernest Manning Spts/1661 | Royal Fusiliers | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Bertram George Martin P/854 | Rifle Brigade | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Mayo 36212 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick John Merchant A/202634 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stanley Mitchell 202296 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Francis Moorhouse 154279 | Royal Engineers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Morris 29018 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Gunner William John Henry Moyse 129015 | Royal Horse Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Charles Gustaf Nordberg 17006 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private William E.d.a. Organ 266672 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Hugh Paden 90 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Driver Stanley Pinder 93529 | Royal Field Artillery | 02/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman James Edward Proffitt 49966 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Bert Reed 471745 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private George Walter Rickard 47749 | Suffolk Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Charles Arthur Roberts 92632 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Roberts 21310 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Owen Roberts 3601 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private David Rogers 267872 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Rowan S/41186 | Gordon Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Scaife 205681 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Edward Scholey 91256 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Frederick William Scopes TF/203905 | Middlesex Regiment | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Albert Scott 32458 | Border Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry John Scriven 351298 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Simpson 30851 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Robert Sloan 3304 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Smyth 352056 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frederick George Snazle 19908 | Hampshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman Harry Solomons 324414 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Harold Ernest Stokes 12212 | 6th Dragoons (Inniskilling) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Leonard George Strange 24096 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Corporal James R. Taylor 4/8678 | Durham Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private George Thomas 16556 | Hampshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Rifleman Herbert Thompson R/20157 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Trevor 35426 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter John Turner 303027 | London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade) | 02/12/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Walter Vince 10545 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Harry Webb 323224 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Edgar Whitaker 58301 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Whitaker 20407 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman James White 10296 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Albert Whiteside | Royal Irish Rifles | 06/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Thomas Whittet S/40637 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Henry Williams 46560 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Richard Frederick Cyril Wood 39958 | South Wales Borderers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Thomas Woodley 2010 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John Mcmorland S/11744 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Serjeant William John Ashton 46378 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private George Atkins 14689 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Walter Stanley Banwell 92740 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Henry Barker 43910 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private John Robert Batty 202479 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Parkinson Bilton 306017 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Bleasdale 203865 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Borthwick 29155 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Bradley 201241 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant William Archibald Ross Brown | Tank Corps | 22/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Alfred William Louis Caiphas 784 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Corporal William Cannings 18767 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Cawley 3659 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Alfred W. Chalkley 29455 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Thomas Clements 17151 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 22/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Thomas Cooper 41271 | South Wales Borderers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Joseph Cowan B/200385 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Rifleman Ernest John Cox R/213 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Raymond Crowther 200792 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 26/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman Edward Dawson 957 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Bertie Dernie G/42234 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Percy Drew 17123 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal Daniel Dunbar 256 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Patrick Dunleavy 10664 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private James Espley 21469 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Gunner William Joseph Evans 98623 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Driver William Herbert Farrant 130290 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Thomas Feaircloth R/38865 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Harry Fuller 10251 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Rifleman William John Gibson S/34248 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Giles G/19504 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Henry Glassby 240785 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Gregory 241129 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Walter Griffiths | Lancashire Fusiliers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Albert Hammond 684194 | London Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Lance Corporal James Thomas Harbridge 36824 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Lewis James Hoffman R/33534 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Hope 16289 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Howarth 358429 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George William Hudson 2945 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Lieutenant Laurence Herbert Hunt | London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles) | 04/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Corporal Thomas Jackson G/6255 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Harry Johnson G/1062 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant James William Johnson | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joshua Lee 22534 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private William H. Lewis 203027 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Gordon Mcalister Mccraw S/9815 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 24/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private William Mcfie 1837 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Owen Mcvey 33829 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Mannion 21306 | Yorkshire Regiment | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Percy Martin L/15888 | Royal Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Eli Darton Mashford 27529 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Robert Leonard Mason T/242576 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman James Edward Menzies 52092 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Mark S. Mescal 11452 | Irish Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Frederick Miller 3/7396 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George Needham 13165 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Noah 62598 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Douglas Sidney Orchard 200524 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Patrick Orchard 9137 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John Orr 25331 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stanley Parker 33312 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper James Penny 402787 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Piper B/203577 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Roger Price 1212 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Harold R. Rathbone 18076 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Joseph Rawlings 515429 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Serjeant Robert Barnard Reeves E/1016 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Rifleman Charles Rigby C/614 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Harry Rothon R/32156 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Charles M. Saich 9316 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James Moffat Scott 20908 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Sleator 41418 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Bombardier Absolam Smith 25536 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Rifleman James Smith 202022 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph A. Smith 222296 | Labour Corps | 07/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private John Sutherland 267264 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Swain 21985 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Charles Handley Lanphier Symons | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Anthony Taylor 16799 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Williams Thomas 3608 | Welsh Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Rifleman Alfred Walters S/1729 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Wellavise 48631 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert White 33823 | Border Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Whitehead 202012 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant George Wilde L/20872 | Royal Field Artillery | 01/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Raymond Cooper Wills 18640 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Percy Wilson 204778 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Leonard Winter 31020 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Arthur John Workman 18510 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Wright 11319 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Samuel Kenneth Young | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Serjeant Thomas Wilkin 13855 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private James Flynn 48521 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal Le Feuvre 4155 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Robert Stitt 1458 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Ernest George Anning 28194 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 17) | |
 | Serjeant Henry Frederick Ashton 5362 | 6th Dragoons (Inniskilling) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Tom Bates 200102 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Alfred Belcher 202943 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Belton 86091 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Bennett R/37456 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Black 29431 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Serjeant Louis Bleeze 11191 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Robert Bond 45917 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Boorer 42743 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 43) | |
 | Corporal Selwyn Booth 241401 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Thomas Arthur Bradley 240270 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Ernest Breekes 267204 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Broadhouse 19292 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas A. Bromilow 332317 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Driver William Broom 27714 | Royal Field Artillery | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Bull 16915 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest Arthur Bunch 43316 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Corporal Arthur Busby 29382 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private George H. Bush 26499 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private William John Bush 354877 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Walter John Butter 353565 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Major Cyril Francis Cattley | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Taylor Cheetham 51144 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Charles William Chessher 41844 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Blundell Clee 51380 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman John Henry Coe S/9396 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Arthur Cole 11873 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Coyle 24611 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Harold Cronan G/69048 | Royal Fusiliers | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal Richard Ernest Dabin 630213 | London Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Davey 17230 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Benjamin Davies 41265 | South Wales Borderers | 23/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Mark Dawson R/747 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Dines 29216 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Duncan 20179 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 26/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman Wilfred Durham R/17126 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick G.s. Edwards 320228 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | 2nd Corporal William George Flewellen 496821 | Royal Engineers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Andrew Forrest 13076 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Fryer 231448 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Stanley Gebbels 14060 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner George William Green 280712 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Company Serjeant Major Wilfred Charles Gregory 3510 | Rifle Brigade | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Hall 30447 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Wilfred Hamblett 243050 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter V. Hamman 373876 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Alfred Harding 268970 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Harris R/3039 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Stanley Harris 242228 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Louis Hart 358367 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Thomas Henry Henson 514709 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 23/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Isaac George Heron 201988 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Percy Hide 11229 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick William Hodges 27162 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Arthur Richard Hopson 36840 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Stanley F. Howard 318011 | London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal George Hunter 21183 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 07/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Jarvis 42537 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Ernest King 45898 | Suffolk Regiment | 22/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private George Stanley Kirk G/8674 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Claude Knight R/9272 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Lethby G/50159 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Arthur Lewis S/33750 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant George Lisney G/156 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John Wilfred Lucas S/13510 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Serjeant Thomas William Luke 241912 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Priestly Lumb 41727 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Corporal Frederick Campbell Mccallion 38945 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Mcchesney 1941 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Mcclure S/15063 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 24/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Robert Mckinley 28115 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private George Henry Mackley 493452 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private John Magee 33513 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sidney Claud Mayhook E/893 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Frederick Merry 12830 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private William Baird Mills 95197 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Frederick Moore 9736 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Morton 242302 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Rifleman Reginald Leslie Orford 301615 | London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade) | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private John Fentiman Pay 437 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private William Hewitt Payne 40869 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal James Pearson 45157 | South Wales Borderers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal David Pickavance 240449 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Joseph Price S/33766 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alexander Purvis S/5738 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 26/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Frederick William Quantrill 78482 | Tank Corps | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private George L. Quirk 62308 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman Charles Allchin Reedman S/27826 | Rifle Brigade | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Riley 266090 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Roach 201268 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Herbert Ernest Edward Rolfe 47032 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sharpe 268511 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Sidney Charles Shaw 28778 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal William Sheldrake 20433 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Henry Smalley 243803 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 42) | |
 | Private Alfred Smith G/1092 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Stone Smith 29395 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Smith 20364 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Driver William Edward Stenning 178140 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Stone G/21945 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Percy Francis Swann G/23845 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Pioneer Charles Fisher Talbot 165474 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private George Taylor 33983 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Thorp 45236 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Jesse Tindall 23691 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Alexander Samuel Tompkins P/1165 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal John Robert Townsend 307169 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Turner 203974 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Samuel Turner 16229 | Suffolk Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Arthur Wade 40251 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private James William Walker 83738 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Walsh 306300 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper George Frederick Warner 524478 | Royal Engineers | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Robert Warren 44908 | Royal Field Artillery | 29/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Horace Watmore 31391 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Ernest Stephen Webb G/14015 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Thomas Wilkins S/32456 | Rifle Brigade | 21/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Frederick George Wilson 6364 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal John James Wright 15356 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Serjeant Alexander Cowden 5801 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Andrews 14033 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 20/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private William Thomas Ayres 28920 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Bailey 6144 | Essex Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Francis J. Beattie 3425 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Samuel Beccles 41024 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal James Blanks 17529 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Herbert Boultwood 25227 | Bedfordshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Isaac Thomas Bradley 17093 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Thomas Breakwell 38138 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Jabez Bridgland 24611 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Thomas Broad 26476 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Corporal Walter Edward Brooker S/12819 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert James Brown 32378 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Bombardier George Buttle 11483 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas William Calcutt 1527 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private George Percy Carter 38275 | Worcestershire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private George Clarke 16014 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal Percy Walter Clarke 41173 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Thomas Henry Clements 268014 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest John Cook G/14794 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Roland William Cook 242657 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas E. Cooper 88075 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private George Frederick Cracknell G/27414 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private John Cullen 2670 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Curran 22751 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Davies 34490 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Charles Deamer C/4556 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert John Despointes 786 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private William Ewart Duffield 30354 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Morgan Henry Edwards 28792 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alexander Sinclair Farquhar 12589 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Horace Edward Fincham 14321 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Horace J. Foley G/15218 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Fothergill 45430 | Royal Irish Rifles | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Freshwater 32900 | Essex Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Robert William Frogley 245360 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Arthur Furnell 34905 | Essex Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Charles Gander 25707 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private William Henry Goodliff 202024 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant John James Simons Goodrick 242201 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private William James Griffen 17086 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Frederick Hall 68967 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Hammond T/203572 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Pringle Hammond T/203573 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Charles Harding 240972 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Harlock 12265 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George William Hartley 41549 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Corporal Joseph Heal 275781 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Hewlett 322676 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Clifford Hibbert 9723 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Lawrence Higson 201455 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Noel Hodges R/9779 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George Howell 201603 | Gordon Highlanders | 23/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Frederick James Hunter 19084 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Keeton Hutchinson 202625 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Henry Cecil Iles 48601 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Hartley Jackson 28292 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frank Judge R/34865 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 22/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private John Keenan 25794 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private George Kellett 23843 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Thomas King S/8701 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 26/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Ernest John Lacey 273 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Sidney James Lansdowne S/21057 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Mcbride 69583 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Mcguffie 260222 | Seaforth Highlanders | 21/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private Robert Mckinnon 42647 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal David Mcwilliam 240543 | Gordon Highlanders | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Major 240445 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Francis Mallon 33746 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant George Mason 266023 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Arthur John Medlow 268722 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred George Miller 28693 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Serjeant Peter Mitchell 265498 | Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Samuel Christmas Morris 19956 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private Walter Morris 203458 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Francis Nicol 16126 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private John O'brien 358598 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Timothy O'dea 10251 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private William O'hare 41678 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Frederick Thomas Owen 235004 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Richard Arthur Owen 35507 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Palmer S/8359 | Rifle Brigade | 02/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Charles Parker R/5036 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 28/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Edward Joseph Powers 307316 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal George William Preston G/684 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private David Roberts 29449 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private William Sydney Robinson 97783 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 23/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James Royan 241944 | Seaforth Highlanders | 22/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal George Rushton 21921 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Rifleman Robert Howard Sanders 652688 | London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Harry Saunders 17126 | 20th Hussars | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Herbert William Joseph Scott 511288 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Benjamin Smith 18985 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private Charles Smith 40495 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James David Smith 12114 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Walter Smith 307589 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Reginald Walter Snelling 16103 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Timothy Spencer 38259 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Phillip Sutton 611839 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Second Lieutenant John Swift | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ramsey Sykes F/2775 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George James Thomson 41430 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Ernest Phillips Thorneycroft S/33729 | Rifle Brigade | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Townsend 307024 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Frederick Vivash 38434 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private John Edwin Voysey 35000 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 21/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private James Henry Walker 41275 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Driver Thomas Waterfield 786413 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Horace Webster 45348 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 06/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Henry George White 203280 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Bertram Whitlock 354858 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private George Wiggins 13137 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Richard G. Wilkie S/4296 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick John Wood 202827 | Worcestershire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman Willie Saines 565073 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Allan Abbott G/52164 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Driver Andrew Wilson Adams T4/058994 | Army Service Corps | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Frank Cyril Adams 12134 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Herbert Adlington 241198 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Jasper Alder 42341 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Albert Aungier 43906 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Captain Stanley Frank Ayres | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Edward Christopher Baker 631949 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Joseph Baxter 241947 | Norfolk Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Beardmore 241619 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Henry Boita 354318 | London Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George Boreham G/14400 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Francis Alfred Bradley 25684 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Brock 31572 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Charles Brown 23152 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Lance Corporal Donald Archibald Cameron 105287 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Carton 40029 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Channon 102868 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Michael Conway 10086 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Corbett 56065 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Ernest Course 13660 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private John Thomas Crawley 290623 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private William James Daniels 32577 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal Percy Willing Deffew 143161 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Donachue 11280 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Henry Edwards 52124 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Corporal Charles Elsworth 266407 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Evans 202658 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Thomas Charles Negus Eyles 91706 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Willie Fee 268574 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Edward Foss 1018 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Romiley Arthur Foulger G/34737 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Green G/33814 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Joseph George Airey Green | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Frederick Guilbert 195 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 25/11/1917 (aged 43) | |
 | Private George Hargreaves 358742 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Harrison 57160 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Alfred Thomas Hayward 102676 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Serjeant Edward Heaney 2438 | Irish Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 46) | |
 | Private Walter Henretty 32997 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert David Honour 25507 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Stanley Howard Humphreys | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Frederick Jones 25124 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Jesse Lee 40900 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Benjamin Lowe 25094 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Stephen Lyons A/202721 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 (aged 42) | |
 | Gunner William Mcbride 125583 | Royal Field Artillery | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Thomas F. Mcquaker 514034 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Roderick James Mcrae 201206 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Thomas John Mahy 1304 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest John Marshall 3153 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Reginald Arthur Mauger 9493 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Rifleman Arthur J. Mitchell 373487 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lieutenant Gordon Harpur Morley | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 30/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private George Morris 235016 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Mountford 61185 | Royal Army Medical Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Munn 7659 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Francis Musson 16648 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman George Napper 551982 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman John Orr 774 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Serjeant Harold John Owen S/784 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Owen 202933 | Essex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private William Glynn Owen 202670 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private James Palfreman 29582 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Lance Corporal Reginald John Palmer 850 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Frank Parkes 32887 | East Surrey Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Pearce 45209 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private James Peebles 31515 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Thomas Ratcliffe 31452 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Frederick Edward John Richardson | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Walter Roberts 202343 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Cuthbert Robson 27200 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Percy Arthur Russell 88041 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frederick James Seach G/21096 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Edward Sheilds 16311 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Frank Arnold Shurrock 321392 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James Smith 12463 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Smith 14919 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Southgate 25300 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private James Frederick Stenning 684056 | London Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private David Thomas Stephenson 28704 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Stock 30846 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Allan Young Summers 15886 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Captain Charles Patrick Tanner | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Serjeant James Tarrant 9076 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Rifleman Sidney George Templar 324078 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Company Quartermaster Serjeant George Frederick Voake 34617 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Joseph Warnock 21545 | Durham Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Waving 23215 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Vernon Theodore Wells 493568 | London Regiment | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Frank Wheeler 42250 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private James Witt 27351 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Reginald Rupert Woodward | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Wilfred Augustus Wright 48099 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Henry Wrigley 241612 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal John D. Younie 266917 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman Robert James Thompson 3408 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Ernest Francis Careswell 42933 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Ernest Stanley Adamson 201054 | Tank Corps | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Fred Alcock 235176 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Cyril Sheldon Allen 200195 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Joseph Andrew-Marshall | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Edward Aston 35167 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Abel Baldwin TF/266688 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Benjamin Barrett 28927 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Serjeant Donald Bates 241660 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman William Beck 324336 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Herbert Blackall 37590 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Orentes Bradley 204486 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 04/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Frederick Burrows 87388 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Arthur Carver G/51061 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Herbert Chapman 260016 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph T. Christy G/42648 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Robert Frederick Clifton B/200604 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Martin Connor 358672 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Edward Samuel William Cox 42077 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Walter De La Mare 1516 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private George Edward Dipple 25598 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private John Drain 29283 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Serjeant Frederick Dunham 26776 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Alexander Seth Fisher TF/240848 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private John Forth 52262 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Valentine Freestone 35057 | Suffolk Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Gallagher 14478 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Charles Alfred Gibson 44918 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Thomas Glenny 109957 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Leslie Goulborn G/24074 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Bernard Greenland 38780 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Captain William John Griffiths | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal Harold Charles Leslie Harris R/816 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lance Corporal George Wilson Harrison 203472 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Henry Harrison 27826 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private John Denis Higley 202706 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Walter Henry Hill | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Charles Percy Howard 8000 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Lance Corporal James Hughes 59428 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Hutton 10886 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Ingham 358131 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Percy James 68495 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George Williams Johnes G/1301 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frank Kavanagh 10180 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Kenward 371562 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Willie Kenyon 24363 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Norman Kirby 37668 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 28/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Reginald Lambert 48151 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Thomas Lambert 12096 | Irish Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Alfred Langridge 18350 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Lance Serjeant William Leeves 16919 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private George Leigh G/61660 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Lihou 1483 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Alfred Loach 25106 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Lance Corporal Frederick Charles Lucas G/11928 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Thomas Lusted 41304 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Mcsweeney 27399 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Driver Eli Millard 31964 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private George Ernest Moore 52531 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Charles Henry Mousdel 240712 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard O'donnell 268191 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Thomas William Olver 4742 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Parsons 26492 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Pascoe 722540 | London Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private Ernest John Patrick 200569 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Ernest Charles Pavitt 5083 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Alfred John Powell 33406 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Marcus Theodore Rathke 32643 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Raven 28971 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Robert Hamilton Robertson | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Albert Rose 687 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Richard Edward Sargeant 19227 | Suffolk Regiment | 22/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Wilfred Sarre 936 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Corporal Franklin Schofield 240898 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Edward J. Scott 303679 | London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Seager 15384 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Albert Shaw 127092 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private George Herbert Shepherd 21189 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Robert James Smith 103145 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Benjamin Sprules 5732 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Robert Steel 27316 | Highland Light Infantry | 18/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Frederick Stubbs 20054 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Suckling 35874 | Essex Regiment | 21/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Summers 15453 | Essex Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Surman 26150 | 3rd (King's Own) Hussars | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Trafford 23899 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Cecil Tucker G/60331 | Royal Fusiliers | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Uffindell 28117 | Border Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Serjeant Vasey 12/1129 | East Yorkshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Alfred Whittard 78583 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George Whittington 240493 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Daniel Richard Williams 10795 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Thomas Wilson 16538 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Algenon Wiseman 325958 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Woods 38262 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Joseph Worthington 358776 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Ormiston 302957 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Henry Admans 28672 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private William Anderson 301078 | Royal Army Medical Corps | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Angus 59748 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Serjeant Harry Avery 241117 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest William Avory 34392 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest Berry 24764 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant John William Berryman | Yorkshire Regiment | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Francis Thomas Bird 17276 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Driver Richard Borsey 12476 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Brimble 30161 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Broomfield 29430 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Archibald Browett | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lieutenant George Miller Brown | 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers | 28/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Horace Gordon Browning 53024 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman Cyril James Saunders Bundy 323277 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Thomas Burrows 42640 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman George William Bush 47151 | Royal Irish Rifles | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Carter 10938 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Sydney James Carter 324298 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Captain Arthur Nesbit Charlton | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Elijah Cheetham 41966 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stanley Chiswell 20544 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Arthur Clarke 29116 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John William Cooke 33818 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Cooper A/836 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private James Cranston S/3342 | Seaforth Highlanders | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Trefelyn Roland Cropley 551619 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Walter Crowther 32406 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Ernest William Dawson 41214 | Royal Irish Rifles | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private James Sidney Death 17829 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Arthur Dell A/200411 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Arthur George Dickins 200317 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman John Percy Dulake 45467 | Royal Irish Rifles | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Daniel Evans 202981 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Alexander Archibald Falconer 34099 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Noel Harvey Firth 51433 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Rifleman John Thomas Fitzgerald 592862 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Gardner G/24701 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private David Gardyne 11920 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ronald Gregory 515508 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Grierson 241423 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Norman Hanson 67054 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Bertie Harris 30436 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George William Hendle R/34374 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Aloysius Joseph Heydon 8453 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private John Holden 240310 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private John Robert Holder 268160 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private James Edward Holmes 31828 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 26/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Arthur Douglas Hopkinson 47446 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Eardley Robert Preston Jeffrey G/20508 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Jepson 241861 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 04/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Tom Jones 45970 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Percy William Kendall G/22259 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold E. Kenvin 202688 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Edward John Kimber 17567 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Richard John King S/18143 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Henry Percy Knott 20953 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Thomas De Jersey Laine | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Craven Leventon 311274 | 20th Hussars | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Stanley Loving 515237 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Corporal James Macdonald 36184 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 21/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Nicholas Mcdonald 359109 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Gavin Mclaughlan 25046 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Albert Mclaughlin 21618 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Patrick Massey 6740 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman William Frederick Mears 472215 | London Regiment (The Rangers) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Cecil Mowbray 29118 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Hugh Nelson 235332 | Gordon Highlanders | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal John Norman 3681 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas O'hara 6/1317 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Orton 14617 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Walter Maurice Parratt 1226 | Royal Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman James William Pateman R/39319 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Henry Alfred Peacock 28763 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Corporal Walter Pidgeon E/205 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private Reuben Pleasants 14291 | Suffolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Raper 200 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Serjeant William James Reid 13417 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Lance Corporal Francis James Roberts 16725 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Harry Roden 20924 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Rush 6856 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Russell 33547 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Rifleman Sidney Sayer 593460 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Walter Alexander Scott | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal George Shadwick 15149 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Serjeant Percy Silvester 228750 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 22/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Lance Corporal Hugh M. Sinclair 7883 | Highland Light Infantry | 07/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Smith B/200346 | ALIAS | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal George Smith 15663 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas George Charles Smith S/33768 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Albert Henry Spencer R/38547 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Rifleman James Edward Sullivan 44320 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Gilbert Teakle G/52165 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Bernard Tolley 14024 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private George Reuben Uwins 515076 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal James Wallis 8620 | 15th (The King's) Hussars | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Ernest Hawksworth Ward | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward George Webb 73076 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman William Wilden 370676 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private Edgar Willacy 200362 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Willmott A/2735 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Wilson 38524 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 02/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Thomas Wynne 358639 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Serjeant Henry H. Workham 320578 | ALIAS | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Paul William Hunter 44400 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter Erskine 7006 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private John Baker 29366 | South Wales Borderers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Barber 28546 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Barker 6885 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Bartle 202854 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert S. Bennett 36645 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Bird 63575 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Joseph Bishop 27999 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Blaney 28810 | Highland Light Infantry | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private George H. Bolam 45468 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private William J. Boulton 17851 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private William Brazier 8876 | Essex Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Company Serjeant Major William Knowles Broad 200867 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman David Brown 36294 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Percival George Brown A/200385 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Bruce 235607 | Gordon Highlanders | 21/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private James R. Burgess G/87643 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Edward Carr 307660 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private John A. Carter G/29927 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Rifleman Peter John Carter R/32057 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Victor John Chambers R/33865 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private William George Chivers 32461 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Antonio Ciantar 267774 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Herbert Clarke G/68929 | Royal Fusiliers | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Willis Cooke 202300 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal George William Cooper 6635 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Copnall 24509 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Fred Cox 42014 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private George Dalziel 310018 | Gordon Highlanders | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Albert Dawkins G/1349 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Albert Dixon 13423 | South Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Dron 90639 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 06/12/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Lieutenant Noel Henry Colin Fairfax Durant | Irish Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Samuel Elliott 266708 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Henry Ellis G/18907 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Alfred Emms 241513 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private William Fenwick 20104 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Walter E. Flower 202627 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Thomas Foreman 293070 | Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Godfrey K. Frost 58787 | Royal Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Gunner James Gemmell 326282 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private John Ernest Gladwin 202494 | Essex Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Goring 511354 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred John Greenslade 233268 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Griffith 23713 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Leonard Hack 28826 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Henry Harding 16159 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Thomas Hayes 19729 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Edgar W. Hazell 552868 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Martin Heenan 12055 | Irish Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Lance Corporal James Holbrook 22350 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 26/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Walter Holmes 10436 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private William Honeybone 37746 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Gunner George Arthur Horrocks 136391 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Joseph Howorth R/6877 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private David John Hughes 47584 | Labour Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Charles Henry Jay 19450 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Philip Johnston 10278 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Jones 29089 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Davies Jones R/3531 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private William Henry Kay 307591 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Edward Kelly 31745 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Lawson 27232 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain John Charles Lewis | Monmouthshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private John Henry Long 16569 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman James Low 547 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Abraham Lyons R/37474 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James J. Mcgurk 22695 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Fred Matthews 373213 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Walter Mills 2202 | Royal Irish Rifles | 07/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Moore 14557 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Moore 45273 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Arthur Alan Morom 47475 | Royal Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Michael Joseph Murphy 12005 | Irish Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph William Mycock 27739 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Patrick J. Nealon 11350 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Alex Norval 301119 | Royal Army Medical Corps | 03/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private James O'brien 235066 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Corporal Roy James Oldcorn 8997 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Captain Cecil Bernard Percival | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Staff Quartermaster Serjeant George Alfred Percival S4/056698 | Army Service Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Matthew Phillipson 24778 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Wilfred James Pike 34110 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Andrew Pillage 24736 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Hugh Plunkett 10860 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private William Pratt 200193 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Rasman 25817 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Frederick Rose 242845 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles H. Sewell 225201 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Peter Seymour 358416 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur William Simmonds 14977 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 40) | |
 | Private James Smethurst 41310 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Henry Smith 2830 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Jesse Spencer 260049 | Border Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private James Spring 103097 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Benjamin Stanborough 703904 | London Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Albert Henry Taylor S/5920 | Rifle Brigade | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Edward Thomas 62985 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Thomas R. Townsend TF/266800 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Driver John Tucker 130392 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Walker 16319 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Harold Frederick Ward | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sydney Arthur Watts G/6289 | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Alfred Henry Wheddon 78809 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Andrew John White 24972 | Grenadier Guards | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Wilson 260041 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Edwin George Woodman 58524 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman Harry Edward John Lane-Verrall 44822 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Daniel Leyshon Ackroyd 35808 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Alan Kirby Anderton R/38137 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Corporal Frank Andrew 11463 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Ashcroft 356692 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Levi Banks PW/3708 | Middlesex Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 41) | |
 | Private Septimus Bell 242769 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Bengree 33627 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Albert Ernest Bilsby 53050 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Harry Bowers 201788 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Frank Henry Bradley 27381 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Arthur Brawn 2430 | Royal Army Medical Corps | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Sidney Brazier G/14587 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 42) | |
 | Rifleman George Brown 324394 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant James Brown 240089 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alexander Capel 26859 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Cassell 45620 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Sidney Cleal 306 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Herbert Cockhill 202344 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Cooper S/33248 | Rifle Brigade | 02/12/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Lewis William Cooper 50683 | Suffolk Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Ernest Crew 612114 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private Frederick Crew 36068 | South Wales Borderers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Henry Cross 51770 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant John H. Davies 285189 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private William Henry Davies 19531 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant George Didlick 9283 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Doolan 15814 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William John Doree 16205 | Hampshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Captain John Adamson Edmond | Royal Army Medical Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private David Edgar Evans 44467 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas William Fenwick 266093 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private John Finnerty 10219 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Leonard William Foley 4843 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Colin Gee 202899 | Norfolk Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Richard James Green 34035 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Guest 102477 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Charles William Guille 864 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Pearce Haines PS/2746 | Royal Fusiliers | 28/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Thomas Hall 71211 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Second Lieutenant Frank Hampson | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Hardington 52073 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Charles James Harris 12544 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Gunner Edward Howard Hart 187958 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Thomas Harvey Henderson | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles William Hill 251024 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William John Hurley S/3888 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private George Henry Ironmonger G/60396 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Frederick Cecil Jackson S/25457 | Rifle Brigade | 20/11/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Private William Arthur Hugh Jeffs 235167 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy W. Jordan G/19415 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Kelly 8905 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private James King 267007 | Gordon Highlanders | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Willie Lacey 15/1725 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Percival George Leach C/4304 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Herbert Lewington 25423 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Daniel Little 13654 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman John William Mccann 611 | Royal Irish Rifles | 23/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Mcferran 24614 | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Acting Bombardier Walter Edward Mason 73609 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private George Morley 87146 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Morris 593433 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 29/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Albert Mottram 201363 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Mullins 45287 | Worcestershire Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 18) | |
 | Rifleman Albert Nelson 827 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Wilson Nichols 20350 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Charles Stewart Nightingale 510580 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Joseph Sykes O'hara 306345 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lieutenant Charles O'malley | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Daniel O'toole | Royal Irish Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Sapper Stephen Pannell 65907 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Frank Park 202035 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Thomas Peacock G/33831 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William George Pearson 44316 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Perks 28226 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private James Petrie 202815 | Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John Pitter 495724 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Edward Charles Pullen S/2534 | Rifle Brigade | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Ernest John Rice | Devonshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Robert Ross 41196 | South Wales Borderers | 03/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Arthur Rouse 28371 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private Randall Rowlstone G/4758 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Alfred Rutter 202188 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant William Robertson Scroggie | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private George William Scutt 22285 | Suffolk Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Edward Singleton 241473 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Samuel Smart 200691 | Worcestershire Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Stone TF/241765 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Sydney John Taylor 31625 | South Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Charles Torris 34377 | Essex Regiment | 04/12/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Lieutenant Arnold Wigmore Tratman | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Goodfellow Adam Robson Tuck 242742 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 22/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Harry Unsworth 20890 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Walters 76279 | Tank Corps | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private George Ward 22755 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Thomas Weaver 19329 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Rifleman Mark Webb 593634 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Samuel Whitehurst 36107 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Thomas Wilkinson 240316 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William R Wilmshurst 554181 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Woolley 201983 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 05/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private William Yule 19084 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Serjeant Thomas Stead 11748 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Harold Adams 16926 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Company Serjeant Major Frank Allsop 240015 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Edward Atkinson 41204 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Matthew Austin 30477 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 20/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Vernon Thomas Austin T/203304 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Henry Richard Barker 280167 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 25/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Lance Corporal William Ernest Barry 260020 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Lewis Bastow 38910 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Bing 275310 | London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) | 29/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Ivor Thomas Boalch 373 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Noah Boss 556827 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Andrew Bownes 41355 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Rifleman Edward Bull 574663 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Phillip Cain 14603 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Charles Carter 608065 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Silas J. Carter 372022 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Sydney Chapman 41120 | Royal Irish Rifles | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Claridge G/14466 | Middlesex Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Peter Clark 28164 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Clements 3664 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 17) | |
 | Private James Cornall 266176 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private George William Cornish 11691 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Serjeant Thomas Cowley 49461 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Frederick Nelson Daniels 17355 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private David Davis G/69211 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Drumm 266349 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edmund Charles Duke 424081 | London Regiment | 22/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private John Ellison 268400 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Fred Emmett 242718 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Malcolm Farr 17033 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Flatley 371161 | London Regiment (Post Office Rifles) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private George Fox 27672 | Lancashire Fusiliers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas John Gallienne 1097 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Charles Ashton Garrad 300149 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Private John Geddes 332370 | Highland Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Gledhill 28583 | Border Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William George Gliddon 203239 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Henry Arthur Goodman 10750 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Arthur Green 28635 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Corporal William Foster Gunton 591035 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Hadley 242479 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Gunner Thomas William Hammond 129408 | Royal Garrison Artillery | 02/12/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Thomas Lewis Hancock 17076 | Coldstream Guards | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Edward Handlon S/2140 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Albert Edward Harris 72352 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Percy Hart 37829 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Harold Hawthorn 615584 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Marriott Hemingway 21590 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Private Edwin William Hough 437 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Lewis Arthur How 41675 | Suffolk Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas William Horace Hunt 202004 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Richard Hunt S/9818 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Colour Serjeant John Innes 510076 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Archibald Arthur Jackson 29882 | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Edward Jackson 35261 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harris Jacobson G/52546 | Middlesex Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Brian Edmund Kelly | York and Lancaster Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Hodgson Kershaw 15927 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Kirwan 7661 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John William Lake G/51846 | Royal Fusiliers | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Law 28280 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Sapper David Morgan Lewis 145192 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Norman Ashworth Linsey 106779 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 04/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Albert Edward Lumb 235584 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Neil Mcfarlane 302679 | Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Henry Main 26334 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter William Marsh 22193 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Alfred Miles 1053 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Henry Moores 241120 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Thomas Rees Morgan 117585 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Stanley Victor Murrill R/39559 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Reginald Arthur Nethercott 26622 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Frank Albert Josiah Oakley 84910 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Francis O'brien 242223 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick William Ollerhead 29971 | North Staffordshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas O'neill 10063 | Irish Guards | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest Albert Outen 240811 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Owen Owens 39732 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Jim Palethorpe 26477 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Frank Parrish 28883 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 22) | |
 | Private Albert Edward Paul 266992 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Arthur Winwood Pennington 40154 | South Lancashire Regiment | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private John Perrin 96408 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Nathaniel Perryman G/19203 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert G. Phillips 267067 | Gloucestershire Regiment | 02/12/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Arthur William Price 21836 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edward William Rees 3672 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Rennie 115459 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 22/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Frederick Henry Rice 29448 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John William Rimmington G/8560 | Royal Fusiliers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Roberts 23244 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Lance Corporal George Rostron 201927 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Corporal Joseph Frederick Rylance 204997 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Robert Sainsbury 18882 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Sharpe 50542 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 37) | |
 | Private John Short 37100 | Highland Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Jacob Silver G/69171 | Royal Fusiliers | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Montague Charles Simonds 86073 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Charles Smith 41236 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Snell 26075 | Somerset Light Infantry | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Straker 9943 | Coldstream Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private James William Swann 357908 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Thompson 201960 | Border Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Herbert Timmins 9035 | Worcestershire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Driver John Tissiman T4/088499 | Army Service Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Arthur Turner 235105 | Worcestershire Regiment | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Twomey 36132 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Fred Tyrrell 15668 | Scots Guards | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Captain James Hamilton Verner | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Staff Serjeant George Robert Vickers 546234 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Company Serjeant Major Charles Wagner 13404 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 44) | |
 | Company Serjeant Major Herbert Walker 9065 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Warren 25635 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Richard Coleman Webster 41358 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Edward Welch 37804 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Timothy Whelton 24410 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Thomas Williams 13201 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private William Hamilton Williams 25424 | South Wales Borderers | 21/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private David Wilson 82204 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal James Wilson S/41373 | Gordon Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Wilson 43538 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 07/12/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Harold Snell Woods 28113 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Rifleman John Robert Hills 44441 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Ernest Abell 32392 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Frank Ambrose S/33482 | Rifle Brigade | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Asquith 43901 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 34) | |
 | Private Joseph Badman 41172 | Worcestershire Regiment | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harry Banham 3/5584 | Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Harold Barker 266861 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 06/12/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Edward Thomas Barton 6604 | Essex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Bennett 29085 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Ernest Alfred Berry G/7426 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Walter Guy Boucher 200284 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private Charles Bower 241714 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Joseph Breakwell R/8602 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Percy Brill TF/240376 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas William Edward Brown 52232 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Alfred Buffrey 242027 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Eric George Bungard | The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frank Butler 28889 | Grenadier Guards | 26/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Arthur Butt 28808 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Corporal Frederick George Cameron 266118 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Cameron 266580 | Gordon Highlanders | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Gunner Henry Camp 205988 | Royal Horse Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Joseph Thomas Campbell 50772 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Shields Campbell 75210 | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private John Arthur Castle 12336 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Alfred Charles 68703 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Albert Clark 610948 | London Regiment | 29/11/1917 | |
 | Private Archibald Clark 204566 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Sydney Clawson 16335 | Royal Irish Rifles | 06/12/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Colpus 235578 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Frederick Harold Colwell S/33515 | Rifle Brigade | 02/12/1917 (aged 42) | |
 | Private Reginald William Nelson Coombs 22647 | Somerset Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Jack Crossland 263053 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Gilbert Ruay Cufflin 28668 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Herbert Darnbrook 24607 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman Horace William Davis R/31331 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Wilfred Dyche 241119 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Ellison 357877 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Fairfield 58406 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Fisher 27292 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Flinton 240174 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Walter Charles Napier Fookes 204018 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Gallagher 9595 | Irish Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Robert Charles Garrett 393661 (5511). | London Regiment (Queen Victoria's Rifles) | 22/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Corporal William Greaves 11449 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private William Jones Green 3612 | Welsh Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Norman Harris TF/263001 | Middlesex Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Stanley Harrison 203579 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal William Heaford 15141 | King's Shropshire Light Infantry | 30/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private Samuel Hebbron 202224 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private James Henderson 24854 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Private Dennis Hollands 201115 | Tank Corps | 20/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private Charles Hornby 240718 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Joseph Houghton 45632 | Suffolk Regiment | 26/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur C. Howells 54118 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert G. Humphreys 202132 | Seaforth Highlanders | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Private Fred Hydes 21165 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Alfred Jevans 12166 | Northamptonshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Dudley Kensington 33646 | Bedfordshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Henry William Kidd 59422 | Welsh Regiment | 24/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Francis James Kilminster 54106 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private Albert George Knight 44682 | South Wales Borderers | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Thomas Knowles 28251 | Royal Welsh Fusiliers | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Reginald David Lane 68739 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Dick Latham 28454 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Norman Alfred Leech 52296 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Serjeant Samuel Love 41947 | Hampshire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Bernard Mcaleer 42677 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas Mccardle 31313 | Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers | 25/11/1917 (aged 36) | |
 | Private George Mcdonald 99603 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 06/12/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Peter Mcfarlane 266163 | Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William John Mcintyre 61821 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 21/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Mcnaughton 47380 | Machine Gun Corps (Cavalry) | 01/12/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private Robert Mann 30672 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private William Mayberry 5285 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Captain Arthur Francis Melton | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Thomas Milbourn Mercer | Tank Corps | 23/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private David John Morgan 44842 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Lance Bombardier William Newell 65321 | Royal Horse Artillery | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Rifleman Frank Nunn 572685 | London Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Rifleman Edwin George Oakley 51396 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Parkinson 242710 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Private Stanley Pascoe 82702 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private Edward Perkins 23722 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 38) | |
 | Rifleman Alexander Powell R/25867 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant George Power 8714 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Company Quartermaster Serjeant William Robbins L/5857 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Private William Roberts 46267 | Welsh Regiment | 25/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Frederick Robinson 23527 | South Wales Borderers | 25/11/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Charles Rose 5753 | 19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Royal) Hussars | 25/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Rifleman Thomas Royle R/1208 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Herbert Mennell Rutter 24010 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 22/11/1917 (aged 26) | |
 | Private John Simmonds 23536 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Henry Skilbeck 242511 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 32) | |
 | Lieutenant Edgar Herbert Smart | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Richard Springett G/15645 | Royal Sussex Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman George Stone 554144 | London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Horace Last Stone 27362 | Norfolk Regiment | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private Robert Henry Stratford 22281 | Suffolk Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Swain 32637 | Essex Regiment | 04/12/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Norman Thomas R/3758 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal James Thorpe 11683 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Reginald Arthur Trickett 24237 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private John N. Tuck 42780 | Durham Light Infantry | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private William Underwood 26603 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Walkden 31769 | Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 28) | |
 | Private John Robert Walmsley 291227 | Welsh Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private George Webb 34584 | King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Gunner Alex Brown Swan Whitelaw 661145 | Royal Field Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Wilcock R/36717 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick William Wilshire 28340 | Grenadier Guards | 01/12/1917 | |
 | Private Edward Winkley 20512 | West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles Leonard Wood G/52318 | Royal Fusiliers | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Joseph Marshall Wood 34031 | York and Lancaster Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private John Parkinson 28647 | East Surrey Regiment | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Serjeant Robert Carmichael 12655 | Royal Irish Rifles | 22/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Joseph Abbott S/11142 | Rifle Brigade | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert G. Anderson S/23053 | Seaforth Highlanders | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Corporal Herbert Baldwin R/1474 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private Robert Harris Barker G/9806 | The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Frederick Barnett 34431 | East Surrey Regiment | 26/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private Fred Barton 241196 | The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert Alexander Benford 24773 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 24) | |
 | Private Harold Benton 359355 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 (aged 31) | |
 | Corporal James Berry 26484 | Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry | 20/11/1917 | |
 | Private Charles William Bird G/18336 | Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) | 20/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Gunner James Bird 175114 | Royal Horse Artillery | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Sapper Richard Bradbury 486728 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Brehaut 971 | Royal Guernsey Light Infantry | 01/12/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Private John Henry Brown 11006 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Lance Corporal Walter Thomas Bushell 12520 | Grenadier Guards | 27/11/1917 (aged 33) | |
 | Private Alexander Campbell 11504 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Edgar Candlish 356913 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Carson | King's Own Scottish Borderers | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Francis Harry Chaplin 81125 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private Thomas Codling 35645 | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 05/12/1917 | |
 | Sapper Farrar Henry Copestake 558574 | Royal Engineers | 30/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Serjeant Cecil Frederick Cottrill 241539 | Worcestershire Regiment | 03/12/1917 (aged 27) | |
 | Lance Corporal Thomas Hunter Dawson 16057 | Scots Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant Edward Francis De Faye | Tank Corps | 01/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Private Robert Cecil Delahay 516945 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 24/11/1917 (aged 19) | |
 | Private William Joseph Dougherty 37086 | Highland Light Infantry | 28/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Private James Douglas 22395 | Highland Light Infantry | 25/11/1917 | |
 | Rifleman William Henry Douglas 595870 | London Regiment (London Irish Rifles) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Gerald Percy East 17618 | Royal Berkshire Regiment | 29/11/1917 (aged 23) | |
 | Rifleman William Henry Emberson 88055 | The King's (Liverpool Regiment) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Arthur Foley 22999 | Yorkshire Regiment | 23/11/1917 | |
 | Private Frederick Ford 201202 | ALIAS | 20/11/1917 (aged 21) | |
 | Private John Garden 240939 | Gordon Highlanders | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Driver John Francis Gates 94247 | Royal Field Artillery | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Joseph Hall 242283 | Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) | 02/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Rifleman William Hardiment S/33618 | Rifle Brigade | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Rifleman Charles Haslam R/15767 | King's Royal Rifle Corps | 30/11/1917 (aged 20) | |
 | Lance Corporal Ernest Havard 265827 | Monmouthshire Regiment | 02/12/1917 | |
 | Private George Heath 21513 | Coldstream Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private James Hepburn 512093 | London Regiment (London Scottish) | 30/11/1917 (aged 29) | |
 | Private Arthur Hicks 60740 | Royal Fusiliers | 30/11/1917 (aged 39) | |
 | Private William Hogan 10398 | Irish Guards | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Leonard Holton 14598 | 18th (Queen Mary's Own) Hussars | 20/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Private Percy Charles Hopkinson 108533 | Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Private Albert S. Horley 1656 | East Surrey Regiment | 30/11/1917 | |
 | Second Lieutenant George William Victor Hughes | King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry | 27/11/1917 | |
 | Private Ernest George Hunt 35075 | Suffolk Regiment | 20/11/1917 (aged 35) | |
 | Private Eramus Kenwrick 201209 | Royal Warwickshire Regiment | 03/12/1917 | |
 | Private Thomas John R. Kerr 65953 | Royal Fusiliers | 01/12/1917 (aged 25) | |
 | Corporal Charles H. Kerridge 321180 | London Regiment (City of London Rifles) | 30/11/1917 (aged 30) | |
 | Gunner Reginald Henry Killingback 87957 | Royal Field Artillery | 01/12/1917 | |