Casualty Records

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ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Private Hugh Burns 203282ALIAS04/04/1919
Lieutenant Bolton Royal Field Artillery22/03/1921
Private Robert Urquhart 026931Army Ordnance Corps22/06/1918 (aged 42)
Corporal Kennedy 16310Royal Defence Corps11/09/1916
Serjeant Weir 2403Royal Field Artillery28/11/1915
Serjeant Ronnay 128Royal Scots Fusiliers07/06/1921
Private Hugh King 203282Highland Light Infantry04/04/1919
Sapper Thomas Cunningham 328066Royal Engineers21/12/1920 (aged 47)
Private Mcphee S/2872Gordon Highlanders01/06/1921
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ParishDioceseCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
Monkton and Prestwick220