Casualty Records

Loading casualty records
ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Lance Corporal Jack Womersley 2908Australian Infantry, A.I.F.16/07/1917 (aged 20)
Private Pickersgill 51312East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Private Cornelius James Mccloy 11706Canterbury Regiment, N.Z.E.F.18/08/1917
Private Pua Kihi 20844New Zealand Pioneer Battalion11/08/1917
Private Victor Stanley Jones 6100Australian Infantry, A.I.F.25/12/1917 (aged 24)
Private Huntingdon 40888East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 36)
Private Pera Hina 16/1257New Zealand Pioneer Battalion21/07/1917
Rifleman Walter Charles Groves 18653New Zealand Rifle Brigade25/06/1917
Rifleman Thomas Strickland Field 32837New Zealand Rifle Brigade27/06/1917 (aged 26)
Lance Corporal John William Barker Elshaw 2882Australian Infantry, A.I.F.01/07/1917 (aged 25)
Private Dowten 41119East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Private James Herbert Clegg 3279Australian Infantry, A.I.F.02/07/1917 (aged 24)
Rifleman Samuel Cameron 26/1578New Zealand Rifle Brigade21/06/1917 (aged 36)
Gunner Tom Ranui Wyatt 24964New Zealand Field Artillery10/06/1917
Private Ponga Winiana 16/1462New Zealand Pioneer Battalion14/08/1917
Private Te Miere Teua 16/846New Zealand Pioneer Battalion21/07/1917
Private John Te Kauru 19398New Zealand Pioneer Battalion14/08/1917
Lance Corporal Reginald Taylor 8/2738Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.20/06/1917
Private Benjamin Symons 24/2106Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.27/06/1917 (aged 36)
Private Arthur Percy Stowell 6/3483Canterbury Regiment, N.Z.E.F.06/06/1917 (aged 22)
Rifleman Stanley Sydney Sargent 26185New Zealand Rifle Brigade07/06/1917 (aged 18)
Private Vivian Ruru 16/1459New Zealand Pioneer Battalion14/08/1917 (aged 21)
Private John Ruha 20630New Zealand Pioneer Battalion21/07/1917
Second Lieutenant George Richardson 8/2710Otago Regiment, N.Z.E.F.20/07/1917 (aged 24)
Rifleman Edward Pratt 23/2264New Zealand Rifle Brigade07/06/1917
Private David Padlie 20625New Zealand Pioneer Battalion06/08/1917 (aged 18)
Private Francis Chitty O'reilly 10/3045Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.23/07/1917 (aged 42)
Private William Nicolai 39670Auckland Regiment, N.Z.E.F.09/06/1917 (aged 28)
Sergeant Horace William Mensforth 929Australian Infantry, A.I.F.12/01/1918 (aged 22)
Rifleman Samuel Orr Lothian 26/116New Zealand Rifle Brigade14/08/1917 (aged 36)
Private Percy Limpus 15737Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.07/06/1917
Private Lionel Lewis 27673Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.04/06/1917 (aged 21)
Private Frederick Ain Ivey 7/2190Canterbury Regiment, N.Z.E.F.13/08/1917 (aged 24)
Private Whetu Harding 20769New Zealand Pioneer Battalion06/08/1917
Rifleman Donald Hamilton 38169New Zealand Rifle Brigade27/06/1917 (aged 38)
Serjeant Richard Eric Hale 16/5New Zealand Pioneer Battalion14/08/1917
Rifleman Desmond Venner Gaze 31121New Zealand Rifle Brigade27/06/1917 (aged 34)
Private Percy Frederick Dobbie 6/3300Canterbury Regiment, N.Z.E.F.07/06/1917 (aged 28)
Lieutenant Randolph Edward Oswald Coates 12/59Auckland Regiment, N.Z.E.F.07/06/1917 (aged 29)
Second Lieutenant John Donald Cameron 9/908New Zealand Pioneer Battalion07/08/1917
Private Clarence Charles Brown 42028Auckland Regiment, N.Z.E.F.08/08/1917 (aged 24)
Acting Bombardier Roy Eugene Bean 2/2049New Zealand Field Artillery06/06/1917 (aged 22)
Lance Corporal Robert Barris 23/994New Zealand Rifle Brigade24/06/1917
Serjeant Thomas Edward Adcock 320028Norfolk Regiment11/10/1918 (aged 24)
Private Wren Teale 1316Australian Infantry, A.I.F.19/11/1917
Private James William Fielding 37826East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 20)
Second Lieutenant Clarke East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918
Corporal Henry James Cliff 258917Canadian Railway Troops05/06/1917 (aged 28)
Private Albert Mills 2127Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/06/1917 (aged 28)
Private William Wise 5114Australian Infantry, A.I.F.29/12/1917 (aged 19)
Private Roscoe 12810East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918
Corporal Harry Webb 29593Royal Garrison Artillery10/06/1917 (aged 26)
Gunner Weston 33030Royal Garrison Artillery10/06/1917 (aged 25)
Rifleman Charles Budd Horsefield 25876New Zealand Rifle Brigade26/06/1917 (aged 31)
Gunner Mckie 79530Royal Field Artillery01/10/1918 (aged 28)
Private Alexander Gordon Jones 6138Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/01/1918
Rifleman Charles Hedley Ensor 17853ANew Zealand Rifle Brigade06/06/1917
Private Arthur W. Herridge 2435Australian Infantry, A.I.F.29/06/1917
Private John Mccarthy 3208Australian Infantry, A.I.F.25/12/1917 (aged 24)
Private William Quinn 1299King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry30/09/1918 (aged 28)
Private Charles Cottrell Keyte 2932Australian Infantry, A.I.F.10/07/1917 (aged 22)
Gunner Mooney 685718Royal Field Artillery10/06/1917
Private William Lewis 155Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/01/1918 (aged 28)
Gunner Mclaughlin 43989Royal Garrison Artillery04/06/1917
Private Harland Philipson 6601Australian Infantry, A.I.F.27/12/1917 (aged 25)
Private Leslie Conrad Sabin Shearin 51682East Yorkshire Regiment15/10/1918 (aged 33)
Lance Corporal John Wilfrid Turner 2158Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/06/1917 (aged 23)
Lance Sergeant Oliver Wease 2028Australian Infantry, A.I.F.01/01/1918 (aged 23)
Private George Hardy Cooper 39561East Yorkshire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 22)
Private Harry Victor Sandel 242211Worcestershire Regiment02/09/1917 (aged 19)
Lance Serjeant Woolfenden 36562East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Private Wyett 64338West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)29/09/1918
Second Lieutenant John Holden East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 28)
Private Leslie Arthur Boughen 6913Australian Infantry, A.I.F.12/01/1918
Bombardier Clift 41943Royal Field Artillery16/06/1917
Rifleman William Joseph Fleming S/10035Royal Irish Rifles14/10/1918 (aged 23)
Private Donald Mckillop 2950Australian Infantry, A.I.F.15/07/1917 (aged 18)
Private Potter 55576Devonshire Regiment18/06/1917
Private Taylor 33418East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 19)
Private Charles Ernest Vickers 30241East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 37)
Private Davies 32016East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 18)
Lance Corporal William Green 38300Worcestershire Regiment02/09/1917 (aged 22)
Private Thomas Burton Wilson 3443Australian Infantry, A.I.F.17/07/1917
Serjeant Felix Vincent Alexander Pollon 36626East Yorkshire Regiment30/09/1918 (aged 35)
Private Robert Lamb Stevenson 295646Royal Scots Fusiliers06/09/1918 (aged 29)
Private Herbert Wilfred Dobson 2068AAustralian Infantry, A.I.F.07/06/1917 (aged 21)
Private Edmund Hynes 4461Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/01/1918
Gunner Pennie 30244Royal Garrison Artillery10/06/1917
Private Amos Wright 39188East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 20)
Private Lionel Victor Dekins 5887Australian Infantry, A.I.F.12/01/1918
Second Lieutenant Oliver Cecil Hardwick Foote Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/01/1918 (aged 23)
Private Hunt 28120East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Private Place 39492East Yorkshire Regiment28/09/1918
Corporal Robert Walmsley 29485East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 24)
Private Mathew Box 42999West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)29/09/1918 (aged 35)
Private John Thomas Cogan 17010King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry30/09/1918 (aged 33)
Lance Corporal Mcnally 14324East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Private Frederick James Lycett 2719Australian Infantry, A.I.F.18/07/1917
Private Boxall 30344East Yorkshire Regiment15/10/1918 (aged 19)
Private Gascoigne 51773East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Corporal John Tregenza Dixon 3724Australian Infantry, A.I.F.17/07/1917 (aged 23)
Private Patrick Mullins 1943Australian Infantry, A.I.F.24/12/1917 (aged 38)
Corporal John Benjamin Bartlett 40094Machine Gun Corps (Heavy Branch)07/06/1917 (aged 29)
Private Brotherton 3/6493East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 29)
Corporal Richard Elliot Cryer 26168East Yorkshire Regiment14/10/1918 (aged 28)
Rifleman Dougan 10983Royal Irish Rifles11/09/1918 (aged 19)
Private Wilfred Gordon Nicolle 5284Australian Army Medical Corps23/11/1917 (aged 21)
Private Sims 149168Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)28/09/1918 (aged 23)
Private Jackson 51168East Yorkshire Regiment28/09/1918
Private Seagrave 39429East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 21)
Serjeant Dales 15/261West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)03/10/1918
Private Wadsworth 42627Worcestershire Regiment02/09/1917 (aged 20)
Private George 320367Norfolk Regiment12/10/1918
Private Leeming 15774East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918
Gunner Royle 85224Royal Garrison Artillery10/06/1917
Serjeant Sullivan 2336Royal Garrison Artillery05/06/1917
Private Hunt 12/65East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918
Private John Jackson 730AAustralian Infantry, A.I.F.11/01/1918 (aged 22)
Private Moran 36873Norfolk Regiment12/10/1918
Rifleman Dingle 45041Royal Irish Rifles13/09/1918
Private Frank Louis Marriott 220635East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 25)
Gunner Samuel William Crone 8170Royal Garrison Artillery10/06/1917 (aged 36)
Private Alfred George Morris 30709Worcestershire Regiment31/08/1917 (aged 41)
Private John Morrison 4869Australian Infantry, A.I.F.17/07/1917
Private Thompson 29406East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 20)
Gunner Carroll 52971Royal Garrison Artillery17/06/1917 (aged 19)
Private Patrick Francis Cassidy 4459Australian Infantry, A.I.F.16/07/1917
Private Walter Luckwell 40809East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 24)
Private Edward James Ryan 2474Australian Infantry, A.I.F.10/07/1917 (aged 22)
Second Lieutenant Ernest Banham York and Lancaster Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 28)
Private Clapton 51724East Yorkshire Regiment28/09/1918
Pioneer Gardner 182340Royal Engineers18/06/1917 (aged 38)
Corporal Harold Peel 18/491West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)29/09/1918 (aged 25)
Corporal Price 41445East Yorkshire Regiment28/09/1918
Company Serjeant Major John William Smith 7139Worcestershire Regiment12/04/1918 (aged 32)
Captain Cyril George Watts East Yorkshire Regiment01/10/1918 (aged 27)
Private Norman Bignell 3014Australian Division11/07/1917
Private Victor James Mocatti 2956Australian Infantry, A.I.F.15/07/1917 (aged 20)
Private Joseph Watson 3949Australian Infantry, A.I.F.07/07/1917
Private Leslie Thomas Blechynden 2882Australian Infantry, A.I.F.01/07/1917 (aged 19)
Private George Mowat Dow 3137Australian Infantry, A.I.F.16/07/1917 (aged 23)
Private George Joseph Lewis Edmonds 2185Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/07/1917 (aged 20)
Private Edmond Amos 15460Canterbury Regiment, N.Z.E.F.06/06/1917
Private David James Frazer 3143Australian Infantry, A.I.F.17/07/1917 (aged 32)
Corporal Green 29404East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918
Private Walter Lockwood 46177York and Lancaster Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 20)
Private Richards 39190East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 20)
Private Windross 64333West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)29/09/1918 (aged 18)
Private Percival Samuel Harris 30485East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 25)
Private James Herbert Waddingham 39412East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 20)
Private James Henry Brown 6545Australian Infantry, A.I.F.24/12/1917 (aged 23)
Private William John Robert Williams 6209Australian Infantry, A.I.F.10/01/1918 (aged 20)
Serjeant Donovan 4/9629Durham Light Infantry03/10/1918
Sergeant Alfred Edwin Dean 5564Australian Infantry, A.I.F.11/01/1918
Private Loft 156836Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)30/09/1918 (aged 22)
Private Harold Augustus Dixon 242400Worcestershire Regiment02/09/1917 (aged 25)
Rifleman Dornan 20484Royal Irish Rifles11/09/1918
Private Prothero 49223East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 34)
Gunner Relf 54859Royal Garrison Artillery21/06/1917
Gunner Sands 282422Royal Garrison Artillery21/06/1917 (aged 35)
Private George Luther Baldwin 42187East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 19)
Private William Hirst 240609East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918 (aged 39)
Corporal Leonard Firth 241465West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)28/09/1918 (aged 33)
Driver Arthur William Franklin 6507Australian Infantry, A.I.F.12/01/1918
Gunner Jones 94716Royal Field Artillery25/09/1917 (aged 23)
Gunner Arthur Carse 33984Royal Garrison Artillery05/06/1917 (aged 26)
Sergeant James Henderson 121Australian Infantry, A.I.F.25/12/1917 (aged 25)
Private Alfred Mckenzie 3090Australian Infantry, A.I.F.17/07/1917
Private Dixon 61076West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)01/10/1918
Private Harry Farmer 1913Australian Infantry, A.I.F.10/07/1917
Private Mcquilliam 235194East Lancashire Regiment28/09/1918
Corporal Francis Horward Vercoe 54571Royal Garrison Artillery04/06/1917 (aged 28)
Private Eric Lawrence Wright 6169Australian Infantry, A.I.F.12/01/1918 (aged 19)
Private William Ward M2/175699Army Service Corps17/06/1917 (aged 27)
Private Wilson 36797East Yorkshire Regiment28/09/1918
Private Eric Hatfield Frearson 42980West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)29/09/1918 (aged 30)
Private Joseph Terlich 28235Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.20/08/1917
Private Charles White 2019Australian Infantry, A.I.F.10/07/1917 (aged 20)
Lieutenant Christopher John Masterson Worcestershire Regiment02/09/1917 (aged 22)
Private Ernest Shackler 39473East Yorkshire Regiment29/09/1918 (aged 21)
Gunner Wilkins 616355Royal Field Artillery10/06/1917 (aged 24)
Loading list of dates
Date of deathCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
Monday 4 June 1917342
Tuesday 5 June 1917340
Wednesday 6 June 1917474
Thursday 7 June 191771510
Saturday 9 June 1917122
Sunday 10 June 1917893
Monday 11 June 1917240
Saturday 16 June 1917110
Sunday 17 June 1917220
Monday 18 June 1917220
Wednesday 20 June 1917122
Thursday 21 June 1917341
Sunday 24 June 1917111
Monday 25 June 1917111
Tuesday 26 June 1917110
Wednesday 27 June 1917444
Friday 29 June 1917110
Sunday 1 July 1917232
Monday 2 July 1917111
Saturday 7 July 1917110
Tuesday 10 July 1917440
Wednesday 11 July 1917240
Sunday 15 July 1917240
Monday 16 July 1917351
Tuesday 17 July 1917560
Wednesday 18 July 1917130
Friday 20 July 1917122
Saturday 21 July 1917366
Monday 23 July 1917122
Monday 6 August 1917255
Tuesday 7 August 1917122
Wednesday 8 August 1917111
Saturday 11 August 1917111
Monday 13 August 1917144
Tuesday 14 August 191751212
Saturday 18 August 1917111
Monday 20 August 1917110
Friday 31 August 1917110
Sunday 2 September 1917550
Tuesday 25 September 1917110
Monday 19 November 1917111
Friday 23 November 1917110
Monday 24 December 1917250
Tuesday 25 December 1917351
Thursday 27 December 1917110
Saturday 29 December 1917110
Tuesday 1 January 1918110
Thursday 10 January 1918110
Friday 11 January 1918670
Saturday 12 January 1918572
Friday 12 April 1918110
Friday 6 September 1918110
Wednesday 11 September 1918220
Friday 13 September 1918110
Saturday 28 September 191824293
Sunday 29 September 191823252
Monday 30 September 1918440
Tuesday 1 October 1918330
Thursday 3 October 1918220
Friday 11 October 1918122
Saturday 12 October 1918220
Monday 14 October 1918220
Tuesday 15 October 1918220
Loading parish list
ParishDioceseCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
Bow BrickhillMilton Keynes110
Pont-y-clunRhondda Cynon Taf110
TreharrisMerthyr Tydfil110
AbercynonRhondda Cynon Taf110
Swanscombe and GreenhitheDartford110
WallingfordSouth Oxfordshire100
North TurtonBlackburn with Darwen110
Collingbourne DucisWiltshire110
OvingtonCounty Durham110
Bishop AucklandCounty Durham120
EckingtonNorth East Derbyshire110
WaddesdonAylesbury Vale110
East HarptreeBath and North East Somerset110
BridlingtonEast Riding of Yorkshire110