Casualty Records

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ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Lance Corporal John O'hern 200238Yorkshire Regiment01/02/1919 (aged 35)
Driver Thomas Frederick Curtis T2/015960Royal Army Service Corps21/01/1919 (aged 36)
Captain Howard Laidlaw Bartrum Yorkshire Regiment08/07/1918 (aged 39)
Private Ward 4381789Yorkshire Regiment04/12/1920 (aged 34)
Corporal John Isaac Scott 3/9417Yorkshire Regiment01/10/1915
Private David Abbott 41253York and Lancaster Regiment20/02/1919 (aged 25)
Private George Thorpe 18263Yorkshire Regiment06/01/1915 (aged 26)
Lieutenant Amos Hollinshead Yorkshire Regiment26/07/1917
Private Herbert Brown 2274Lanarkshire Yeomanry08/09/1915
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ParishDioceseCasualtiesWith Life Story linksWith images
Monk HesledenCounty Durham110
WolsinghamCounty Durham111