Casualty Records

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ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Second Lieutenant George Edmond Vernon Aimer Royal Flying Corps20/06/1916 (aged 30)
Lance Corporal Bray G/57694Royal Fusiliers02/11/1918 (aged 25)
Lieutenant Kenneth Preston Campbell Royal Air Force28/11/1918 (aged 21)
Air Mechanic 3rd Class Robert Charles Harris 75588Royal Flying Corps26/05/1917
Pioneer Henry James Blackford 280046Royal Engineers03/01/1919 (aged 29)
Air Mechanic 2nd Class Charles Thomas Fowler 143976Royal Air Force10/08/1919
Private Shambrook SE/88Army Veterinary Corps14/01/1917 (aged 35)
Lieutenant Jewell Royal Air Force03/04/1918
Captain Eric Tony Farrow Royal Flying Corps07/02/1917
Captain Tone Hippolyte Bayetto Royal Air Force28/07/1918 (aged 26)
Second Lieutenant John Winckworth Bailey Royal Flying Corps31/03/1916 (aged 33)
Chaplain 3rd Class The Rev. Frederick St. John Corbett Royal Army Chaplains' Department14/03/1919
Private William Samuel Thomas Vines F/3232Middlesex Regiment19/06/1917 (aged 26)
Lieutenant Alfred Boag Royal Flying Corps29/04/1916 (aged 31)
Lieutenant John Mervyn Hancock Royal Air Force01/03/1919 (aged 25)
Captain Malcolm Lyle Waine Canadian Army Service Corps04/05/1917 (aged 24)
Squadron Commander Leslie Da Costa Penn-Gaskell Royal Flying Corps04/02/1916 (aged 34)
Captain Butler Royal Flying Corps21/03/1918
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New AlresfordWinchester110