Casualty Records

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ImageNameRegimentDate of death
Private John Grogan 16049South Lancashire Regiment01/04/1917 (aged 36)
Private Morris S/385642Royal Army Service Corps12/06/1920
Private Mccracken 76044The King's (Liverpool Regiment)13/03/1917 (aged 34)
Private Hale 39234South Lancashire Regiment23/05/1921 (aged 39)
Officer's Steward 1st Class Wallis 361407Royal Navy, HMS Vivid25/03/1919
Private Thomas Caslin 492523Labour Corps21/05/1919 (aged 47)
Gunner Fred Ashcroft 160808Royal Garrison Artillery10/01/1921
Private Henry Burrows 101391Royal Army Medical Corps27/04/1920
Private Yates 67112Royal Army Medical Corps01/07/1920
Private Hefferon 148137Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)08/07/1921
Private Stanley 35664Lancashire Fusiliers26/06/1918 (aged 35)
Sapper Cropper 426688Royal Engineers17/10/1920
Serjeant John Platt 626South Lancashire Regiment26/05/1915 (aged 24)
Private Disley 10873The King's (Liverpool Regiment)14/09/1920
Private William Hall M/397418Army Service Corps21/11/1918 (aged 26)
Private Michael Henry 22292South Lancashire Regiment08/02/1916 (aged 39)
Captain Harry Garratt Whitaker South Lancashire Regiment15/01/1920 (aged 24)
Gunner Forshaw 278642Royal Field Artillery12/10/1918
Private Ernest Taylor 26151The King's (Liverpool Regiment)07/03/1916 (aged 30)
Lance Serjeant Thomas Briscoe 484South Lancashire Regiment24/03/1919 (aged 28)
Private Pemberton TR3/83866The King's (Liverpool Regiment)07/07/1918
Private Fillingham 46540The King's (Liverpool Regiment)18/04/1920 (aged 41)
Private Woods 43361York and Lancaster Regiment31/01/1919
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